
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Four Spades, Jun 2, 2008.


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  1. Four Spades

    Four Spades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Can you plunder or destroy this treasury?

    Download Treasury Map

    Download Treasury 1 Flag

    Download Treasury 1 Bomb


    This is a relatively small map. I made this before I found out about the infinite money glitch, so it only uses half of Foundry. I've showed it to a few people and they really liked it, so I decided to put it up here. It's the first map I've really tried to make look nice and be playable, and two people that helped me were Timbo98 (he provided the basic foundation) and Zarok Soki (he helped me construct it). After some testing, I think this map plays well with two teams of four. More people cause more mayhem, but obtaining the objective becomes near impossible.

    This is a map I designed for a way to help some weak newly formed teams to practice good teamwork in 1 Flag CTF and 1 Side Assault. Some professionals may not find this to hard to overcome, but some of the teams I've tried it out with have had some trouble getting the flag back after a few rounds.

    Defenders' Base


    The defenders' base is covered with shield doors to help protect them from spawn killing. It has a gauss warthog suspended in a cage. The warthog is not meant to be driven around, seeing as how it can be easily destroyed in the area below, but it can add some new strategy. A fuel rod is placed next to the passenger seat. However, you are open to fire and vulnerable to grenades, so having a driver to back up behind the shield door may be useful.

    A man cannon sits to the side of the stairs. If you walk straight onto it from the middle of the stairs you can make it in a closed off section to sneak into the opposing team's base.

    Access to a Chopper and Active Camo behind the double boxes makes for a way to defend the teleporter to the flag spawn. The warthog can also easily shoot through the cage to kill the flag carrier before they can make off with it.

    Attackers' Base


    The Attackers' Base is relatively close to a Spartan Laser and Rocket Launcher, which are just outside. If you didn't know, here's a tip: Spartan Lasers can shoot through fence walls. However, so can a gauss warthog, so be careful. When you have the flag and you use the man cannon at the opposite base, it shoots you into a cage just outside, with a secret entrance to easily move the flag up the bridge to the goal point. You must crouch on a certain section to clear it, but with a custom powerup that makes you faster, it should be of little importance.

    Four deployable covers are in the corner, which you should use wisely if you are unable to take out the warthog across the map. In the back corner of the base there is a teleporter which takes you up to the top of the barricade with is lined with shield doors and two turrets, and also has a sniper. This can be used to help report positions and provides a means to rid the warthog of its gunner. It should be noted that you are not protected by the shield door when behind a barricade or on a turret.

    Side Wall and Battlefield


    The side wall is home to a stock of a weapons and two incendiary grenades. This is a key place to have control of, but can be easily be controlled through either the warthog or sniper in each base. The two plasma turrets can shoot through fence walls. The sword, gravity hammer, and flame thrower can be taken down to defend the teleporters.

    The teleporter to the flag is blocked by a wire spool which must be removed by blowing up fusion coils behind it. The teleporter to the wall is on its side in the second area.

    The actual battlefield consists of three areas (four if you count the area with the chopper). They are all seperated by shield doors. In each of the three main areas, there is a brute shot along with a fusion coil and two propane tanks. In the largest one there is also a bubble shield and needler. In the area closest to the attacker's base there is a rocket launcher and spartan laser. This makes for some rather interesting battles that take place. In each area you are exposed to fire from all angles, specifically the wall and the warthog. With the right equipment and strategy your objective should be accomplished.

    Well that's it, hope you like it! Please leave constructive criticism and explain what you like/dislike about it. Remember this is my first map, so it's not perfect. Thanks!
  2. jedi eli

    jedi eli Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool map and welcome to Forge Hub! Needs some interlocking but I probably will DL it today. =-)
  3. ObsidianSythe

    ObsidianSythe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks very hard 2 navigate but sttill very good forging and mabye some interlocking.
  4. stone0043

    stone0043 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks like a great map, keep it up!
  5. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    bienvenidos al ForgeHub! nosotros somos..... o wait this isnt spanish class..........
    ^(welcome to ForgeHub! We are.......)
    anyways, welcome to forgehub, and we are glad youre here, keep up the good work, and interlocking will make you that much better
  6. PlasmaGlory

    PlasmaGlory Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a fun map, but you should learn how to interlock (it's very useful.) You could've interlock the two overlapping fence walls in front of the Warthog. This still looks good and keep on forgin'.
  7. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    iTS OKAY i think the boxes could need some interlocking but i dont really know what this map is for? slayer or a gametype?
  8. Four Spades

    Four Spades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's for either 1 sided Assault/CTF, I have links for the gametypes on the first post.
  9. Four Spades

    Four Spades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know how to interlock, I'm just not too good at it. Also, Timbo98 had already done the basic structure, and I didn't feel like messing with it.
  10. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    you sould use some interlocking. at thispoint it doesnt look very interesting
  11. Four Spades

    Four Spades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why doesn't it look interesting? I want to learn to make better maps, and just criticism doesn't help. I also need advice.
  12. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would have to agree with You ,on this its not screaming "dowload me"
  13. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Use more interlocking to make it neat and attractive and playable. Then add a center piece to the map for athetics to please the eye and make people download it because it looks like it took alot of effort.

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