What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  2. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand cancer
  3. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    "I like Halo 5 and the spartan abilities, the game just died because of bad support"

  4. HeX Reapers

    HeX Reapers Legendary
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    Jesus ****ing Christ actually **** all these little snowflake babies who want to fly around like Superman. It's not just in a pro player's interest, learn to understand core fundamentals and gameplay relativity. I don't give a **** if you're 32 and played CE when it came out you hack. I started with floaty-ass 3 and went tryhard in Sprint-era Reach, do you see me crying? All of these indecisive/uninformed man-children as well as all these blind H4/5 kiddies need to be put in a corner and forgotten, you got your 2 games and they're both uniformly flawed and disregarded by all of gaming.

    Go fondle Josh Holmes and his remnants somewhere else you freaks.
  5. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  6. Daeklaw

    Daeklaw Heroic

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    Still to this date I can't understand why the majority of the fandom has been constantly ignored. It's been over a f. decade, since we had a Halo with the real, core gameplay.
    Hell, people are so desperate for a Halo Game, that they create their own games, lol. Installtion 01, Halo Online, SPV3. Isn't it obvious?
    I really think that Infinite is the last chance to save this franchise.
    Yevah, Buddy Jumps, MULLERTJE and 6 others like this.
  7. Dunco

    Dunco Troll Whisperer
    Forge Critic

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  8. K a n t a l o p e

    K a n t a l o p e Promethean
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    MultiLockOn likes this.
  9. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    We could hand 343 a multiplayer design document detailing the greatest halo yet, they could follow it completely, and the end result would still be mediocre. Terrible level design, annoying sound design, abysmal writing, and second rate programming all would hold the game back.
    #28969 Xandrith, Jun 27, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2018
    icyhotspartin likes this.
  10. MythicFritz

    MythicFritz Halo 3 Era
    Creative Force

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    I don't understand the need for a video game to follow strict canon from it's predecessors. Games change and evolve as series progresses. So what if the armor changes, abilities change, weapons come and go? Why does it have to be explained or fit like a glove with the previous story? It's a new game, embrace that. Go back to something that worked in a previous game or leap forward to something completely new. If a game is better than the last, I'll gladly overlook some deviation from plot.

    (Except my warthog. WHY did 343 have to mess with my warthog?? They ruined my warthog. Bring back the single arm suspension! It's science fiction, it doesn't have to have struts and springs and control arms to work)

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    Tfw when you already boarded the plane and your 75 min flight has a 45 min delay.

    Edit: Nevermind. Reduced to 15 min. Thanks captain.
    #28971 MULLERTJE, Jun 28, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2018
    Daeklaw likes this.
  12. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    I got some more bait for you trollz to fight over: Here's my current assesment of the H2A contest finalists

    This isn't feedback mind you, i'm aware these are old maps and many of these designers have become much better... and some sadly worse.... ....

    ..... enjoy

    Underwood - A refreshingly complex twist on the midship inspired genre. Great aesthetics, great sightlines, great options for both teams. I hope this one makes it!

    Lacuna - A pretty straight forward map with a great theme. I like how red team has to go down and around in order to reach the main power position on the map, which is also capable of locking down a lane thats important to blue teams success. ...Possible inbalence issues?

    Heatstroke - Just seems boring... will probably suffer from pacing issues from the large-ish size, abundance of vehicle options, and lack of ability to deduct where enemy players are located.

    Inheritor - The maps simple interactions don't help the fact that it already suffers from symetrical syndrome. Add those both together and you've got a map that despite it's neat setpieces; is the worst offender on the list

    Pulse - An all around versitile and interesting map! The ghost is a nice touch, adding more to the sandbox. I would have liked it if OS only had one, maybe two ways out. And snipe is already in the best spot... as soon as you grab it i don't see any reason to branch out from there

    Blockus - Looks like a good big team map with some cool features, like the one way drop in the middle of the map for example. But definetly not a serious contender for a 4v4 contest, which makes me wonder why this got chosen over some other maps that where in the running

    Select - A reimagining should attempt to be better than it's insperations. Select doesn't look like a terrible map but it needs some scaling reduction and an alternate 3rd lane that would add much needed depth to the interactions and frankly make it decent

    Diamond & Epic - Both are pretty straight forward: balenced, symetrical, boring. It's reasonable to assume we will get one of these 2 symetric maps in the playlist (the other 3 are less than desirable) seeing how it's a safe option. I would have to side with diamond. I think it does a better job of encouraging players to move around with its micro geometric fluxuations, where as epic is overall more rudimentary

    So if it was up to me we the winners would be Space Junk, UnderWood, and Pulse
  13. Dunco

    Dunco Troll Whisperer
    Forge Critic

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    If it were up to you, you would vote for your own map?

    Okay, Warholic Jr.
  14. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    I hope they can really focus in on a specific vision this time around. that tech demo was great at least, somewhere between realism and an oil painting. it's not only very halo but its also new, we just need that with the game itself.

    that's all it is, a simple cohesive vision. pls 343. i don't even need forge tbh (don't hurt me) i just need a solid game.
  15. HeX Reapers

    HeX Reapers Legendary
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    Why not? It's just that good.
    #28975 HeX Reapers, Jun 28, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2018
    Xandrith and MultiLockOn like this.
  16. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    uuuuuuuhh... yeeah? Space junk is the best of the bunch are you even a designer?
  17. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    @CHUCK "somewhere between realism and an oil painting" YES I hope they follow through
  18. MartianMallCop

    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lol thanks. For Blockus it depends on your audience. Yes it was originally designed for the meet your maker 5v5 squad contest and I consider that the optimal player count (6v6 gets a bit more hectic), however we see maps like Zanzibar and Terminal which also I would see having their ideal player count being around 5v5 to 6v6 but they are used for 4v4 games.

    There's definitely an audience for lower player counts and vehicles that I believe has been given the shaft in later Halo games. Its why for the Roaming King gametype I'm pushing for Washout and Seclusion

    Edit: btw the best 4v4 map wasn't even submitted to the contest. That'd probably be Muskrat
    #28978 MartianMallCop, Jun 28, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2018
  19. HeX Reapers

    HeX Reapers Legendary
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    Roaming King plays like a dream on Washout.
    MartianMallCop likes this.
  20. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    Fair points man. And i actualy like that niche but some are done better than others

    And you might be right about that, i'm know for a fact there are lots of hidden gems that weren't submitted i'm just going off of what we are left with now
    MartianMallCop likes this.

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