Okay Marty had lunch with Joseph Staten and Jen Taylor, tweeted about it, tweeted Steve Downes, had a TON of people reply about the new Halo, and then tweeted this I will shoot myself in excitement if Marty is back for Halo
As an artist I don't want Marty to get stuck making monk chants for Halo again. As a Halo fan that would be the best way for 343 to redeem themselves These fine folks remind me of why I loved Bungie Halo. I will shoot myself and then you.
Seems like this entire game's theme is mixing old and new. The art direction, the music, the setting... I certainly hope there's more classic in the gameplay than new.
I just looked at an image of that H2A map Space Junk again and couldn't help but start laughing, like how did that get in LMAO.
Pro Players when looking for maps: So it's symmetrical? Check. AND it's Guardian!? Check. This map was MADE to succeed! LET'S GO!