more than 1.25 billion people escaped extreme poverty in the last quarter century bUt tHe WoRld iS eNdiNg
You guys should see our level of trash talk on quake. Everyone playing that game is nice and says gg but we're going to permanently make this community toxic if it kills us
Just got done spamming the roll button through irithyll and irithyll dungeon in DS3 gathering items and avoiding all combat What a terrible designed game to allow your players to do that That art be on point do!!
"Just got done spamming the roll button through irithyll and irithyll dungeon in DS3 gathering items and avoiding all combat" translation: "I like the way dicks warm the palms of my hands" btw if you ever talk **** on dark souls again I will karate chop you in the neck
*French You waste so much insulting potential by focusing on one demographic. Unless you're doing that thing where you are relating to your experiences, cuz you sure do come in to contact with a lot of gay stuff (not that that's a bad thing, you do you broly). I like saying stuff like "you are the reason gas station bathrooms are so shitty". It's nice and broad, encompassing all walks of life under its umbrella of disrespect without relying on the crutch of singling out the innocents within a certain group or lifestyle.
@Xandrith Translation: What a terribly designed game! Using the dodge button allows me to dodge attacks! Who would've thunk
currently working on the cable management of my new set-up, it's definitely a work in progress. i'm hardwiring this whole dang condo, no messing around. going with the MOUNT EVERYTHING strat. gotta keep it spicy for the next halo game to come out on pc, what if its good? you know? i wanna get back into the fold. also zombievillan, you're a miracle for being unkillable