=== Mirror === === Linkage === http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=38013272 === Summary === With Communications in shambles, the UNSC must rely on old technology and this warehouse to spread the message. === Players ===: 2-8 === Recommended Gametypes === - Slayer (4-6 players) - Team Slayer (3v3 or 4v4) - 2v2 Slayer - 1 Flag CTF - Multi Flag CTF - Assault Description: Mirror is a symmetrical map to an extent as there are some differences that make this map unusual. In symmetrical maps the two bases are laid out in the same format and position. In Mirror, the bases are the same, but one base is a reflection of the other hence the map's name. For those who've played Zelda: Twilight Princess, think of the red base as the Gamecube version and the blue base the Wii version. Mirror is also influnced from past maps in the series like Beaver Creek and Midship, but it still retains it's own original identity. Mirror is a pretty small map, about the size of midship from Halo 2 and your strategy in the upper floors is a lot different than the bottom level. The rooftops and upper bridge of this map provides little cover for the player meaning your best weapon would be a battle rifle or carbine. Most of the time however you'll be on the bottom level so make sure you have that Assault Rifle or shotgun handy. Rifles are plenty on this map however most of the power weapons like the Sniper, Rockets, and shotguns are placed in the center. An overshield also lurks around along with a grav lift on each base side making getting into hard to reach places within reach. Mirror works well with most gametypes, although I would recommend the usual suspects: Slayer, CTF, Oddball, and Assault. === Pictures === Red Base Centerline and surrounding area Centerline (Sniper located by the A/B signs.) Blue Base Side (grav lift located here) Dead Zone (a turret located in a steel tent by each base. Rockets are on the platform to the right.) Blue Base Let me know what you think.
DID YA DID YA INTERLOCKACSOADCKASODCKASODFKASLDKFJASELDKFJASDASDFLAKSDJGKLSDGJBASODIFNSDIFHSDAOFI As you can see, most people aren't going to respect your map unless it's fully interlocked. This is actually a pretty nicely done map, with a working wall across the "back rooms" - it looks like it should play well. I'll give it a download.
Meh, not a bad map, but certainly not one I would consider good or out of the ordinary because almost half the maps out there are a word called SYMMETRICAL. Not "mirrored" as you call it. It looks as if some things were thrown in without much thought behind it, or not much purpose. The fence walls on top of the bases may look right there, but does nothing for the map, where a small bunker or window-like structure could have been built. Also, with the whole interlocking subject, a good map does not need it, unless something that could have been interlocked actually slows down the gameplay. That's when people start to say that they don't like the map. I see on the roof of the base, you cannot simply walk onto the double wall, you would have to jump, meaning a bad roof to use as fighting ground.
pritty basic bases with some unessary elements, and the map looks too closed for a snioer and too big for AS, you should have BR starts, but anyway looks fun some interlocking could have help all in all 4/5
It has potential. I think it could be very fun. Try interlocking and getting things straight, also nothing original about it. It's plain.
its looks pretty well other then the looks. check out the forge101 on this site and it will give you great helpful tips and trics. come out with a v2 and ill deff dl
Initial looks review [I DLed and looked on forge] Initial spawning - Good. I spawned on my side everytime, and the starting spawn didn't disorientate me, so awesome. 9/10 Pretty-ness - Not too sure. I do like the man-cannons on top of the main wall, and you've used signs and scenery well. 8/10 Weapon placement - Apparently you've used a lot of weapons, from what the Weapon list tells me. It's a shame you haven't included any Assault Rifles, and instead loaded the map with Battle Rifles. Some of the weapons I've had trouble finding, and wouldn't even notice if I didn't have the list. Your overuse of grenades troubles me somewhat (all 4 types on one map?). 5/10 Movement - Now here's a predicament; the only way on top of a base is to either spawn there, or go all the way to the turret shack, and jump up. Considering there are lots of weapons up there, I think there should be more ways to get on top of the base. A crate or two wouldn't go amiss here. [Edit: My apologies, there is another way. Still, more should be done to enable people to jump up there.] 6/10 Other features - Although I like the idea of your Sniper-Tower-T-shaped-thing, I don't enjoy the implementation. There is only one way up onto it (excluding the Grav Lift), which the sniper can easily guard. I can grenade jump onto it from a base, but by then I'll have no shields, and again be easily defeated by the sniper. Overall, I think you've got good potential here. Keep on forging, and good luck with future creations. =)
I appreciate your guys feedback especially with maybe making the map a little neater via interlocking. That could be a future project for me. As for the map this is a love/hate map for some but most people have said it plays really well. In the games I've played the sniper didn't really dominate but then again the map hasn't been played much, so I can see the concern with some people regarding that issue. However CTF really shines here if the settings are right (2 min rounds for 1 Flag). Overall I'm content with how the map turned out and with the feedback I know there's still room for improvement.
Looks like it could be cleaned up a good bit. Seems overly simple, you should work on one special aspect that makes this map stand out.