This is a scary fact... If this is a joke, then it isn't funny. But this may be real and become true. Let's hope, it doesn't. ((Would be nice to know how to youtube a video.))
Freedom Let's enjoy our freedom while we have it. I certainly don't think that the internet will continue to be as open and free as it is now. Sad but true.
No more! No! Those Damn Dirty Apes destroyed it all! Damn them, Damn them to hell! (This is in reference that the internet will end. No!)
*goes to every forum on this internet to get belivers* I hope you guys spread the word because if they do this ,well our lives will be much different.
Sike, I fooled you all. This isn't happening. [/Sarcasm.] Well, I really don't know if this is a joke or not. AthenaWins usually does pull pranks like this, but I dunno.
Bullshit, I thought people were smarter than this, this is just a way to get more views. 1 000 000 and counting! ZoMg!
Net neutrality is just another government controlled agreement, I'm sure they'll eventually corrupt it.
I don't think this will happen, it's just that the internet is vastly different in function than TV that it wouldn't work out. I wouldn't want to pay an extra amount of money just to visit FH or Bungie. Plus, how would search engines function? If you didn't come standard with every website and had to buy websites just to view them, who would bother paying even more for a search engine? This just doesn't seem feasible to me.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I dont think its complete bull **** but I doubt it'll happen, but if it does, we're screwed. Its funny how they used the chick with the rack to get more views.