Lifting up and celebrating your creation is admirable, but if you stand on top of your achievement with pride, there's no room for another to take its place. To be humble is to grow. Move yourself from "look how great I am" to "look how great this creation is" and your paintbrush will never dry. Yes I have been reading too many quote instagrams lately.
After reading the last few pages of Goat posts I'm convinced he's slowly working off a special brownie.
I'm fine with people saying that they think that they could eventually be the best. I think a lot of people think that, including myself. I also feel the same way about my maps not representing at all where I'm at in my development as a designer, although I've sort of taken an internal pledge to make sure that my next map does represent where I'm really at, because only recently do I have a reason to do so. I do wish that I never slacked, though. If I actually put all of my effort into every map, then I wouldn't have to walk around with this annoying feeling. TLDR: Don't be a ***** and give it your all.
I'm gonna be the guy that accidentally makes an amazing map, and when the staff interviews me personally I'll get to make up a bunch of bullshit design philosophy. FH: What were your intentions when starting Agmits? Le Me: I really wanted to bring the concept of the circle of life to Halo. So any time I placed a ring piece down, I made sure to rotate it in order to praise this cycle and keep my inspiration peaked. FH: The oasis certainly is one of the most innovative areas, how did you design in? Le Me: I tried to make every single area campable in order to make every area uncampable. Put a shotgun in the middle of it and you have my patented recipe for success.
I am painfully aware of my flaws as I can't even put the word 'designer' in that sentence hahaha.
This is the WAYWO Dont put yo map in here Post stupid crap in here Roastin throughout the year This is the WAYWO Deader than Halo Finish a map they said Naw imma troll the thread
no thesaurus, just a brain with words @MULLERTJE pal·pa·ble [ˈpalpəb(ə)l] ADJECTIVE (of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to seem almost tangible. "a palpable sense of loss" synonyms: perceptible · perceivable · visible · noticeable · appreciable · discernible · undisguised · plain · unadorned · unvarnished · unveiled · tangible · touchable · noticeable · detectable · solid · concrete · now teach me dutch