Lol thanks, and well ever since ive played halo 1 ive looked at every map differently then others may have, i always see ways to improve and am inspired by maps, i guess halo 3 really gave me the chance to apply these idea's and really play on them. But like i said before alot of my maps come from boring math classes where i sketch them out (Colossus, and my new map Gecko [coming out in Infy Map Pack #2]) But others are thought up on spot like Deligation. Keep playing them and tell me what you think! i'd love to hear some reviews and suggestions for my 3rd map for this new map pack!
I wish you would have posted them on so I could save the thread, but no I have to post here to remind me to download them. [red ring of death]
Oh i remember playing on colossus, and im really sorry to say but i really didnt like it that much. There were just to many weapons on the map or to many grenades or something, im not sure. It was just to much. As for the others im not sure so id be willing to give thema shot.
Sowwies Lol Grizzly its no problem, i almost feel the same. This is because i originally picture the map to be alot bigger with more cover and weapons would be spread out more, but it didnt turn out that way. Thus leaving a squished and "to much" effect. But i do still enjoy the map for 2v2, and if more people feel the same as this then i may remake a v2 of the map, as thats how Deligation went. Sorry skater, i guess you could bookmark the link to my fileshare, ill leave these up there for sure. Actually had the ring of death not to long ago. Its no fun. lol thanks guys, and keep on with the feed back.
Yeah, the center structure was inspired by a mix of foundation and warlock Also Private how comes you have all these projects started but unfinished, i recommend finishing one before starting another, but you should do the same as here, and release all 3 as a map pack when finished! love to see it. News: Also, 3rd map for map pack #2 started, It's named so far, Mounded Celise, and it should be a larger map in comparison to the other 2 enclosed ones.
infam's weekly replies Thanks for the rating overall 4/5? but whats about my fourth map. i feel this could be a rating changer lol.