lol, you're in there papi. I wanted to have text in there somewhere but i just couldn't get it to look good
I googled "haunted mansion organ" and found this, was a good mix of organ and futuristic don't you think?
@Goat I hope you understood that the beginning of my post was a reinforcement to what you said. As for your next post I'll try to cover some bases. I agree that the intent is to allow everyone to share but the curve from welcome arms to flat out insults are pretty steep around here. It's a mad dash to the inevitable, put up or shut up. My personal feeling is that a good community hub should always allow everyone a taste of what they're looking for. People shouldn't feel pressured to move outside their comfort zone regardless of what it is their doing. There's a big difference between motivating, pressuring and strait up shitting on people. If anyone is ever in need of a good example of the proper way to communicate with, or motivate someone just think of the times that you've had interacting with @a Chunk . At any given time Chunk can be found with the monikers, the bringer of peace, the inspirational, the humble, the wise. I give this as an example of the quality of character that we should all aspire to have as Forge Hub regulars. I'm all for competition but not at the cost of good sportsmanship. I don't need a foo foo lovey dovey environment either. This is a perfect example of positive motivation. I think in the time you've been here you've had enough (well earned) smoke blown up your ass that you should seriously be concerned about ass cancer. That inspiration that you are talking about is clearly working both ways. I'm in no way saying that we can't or shouldn't have in depth discussions about level design. This is exactly where that should happen. The problem is that it often degenerates into my opinion if far superior to yours. I'm surprised with all of the odd and or straight up stupid things that have managed to become incredible popular over the years that anyone feels they can tell you the right way something should be. Hell Halo CE was probably looked at as a joke when surrounded by the popular twitch based PC FPS games of the good old early 2000's . "You're gonna play that slow boring piece of crap console game!?" Yup. In short we should all let noobs be noobs, inspire those looking for inspiration, let map posts be nothing more or less than map posts, motivate those looking for motivation, and speak with our work when looking for competition. Let's leave our personal baggage at the door. Goat, as far as I'm concerned if all you do is occasionally post screenshots of half finished projects that make people feel map shamed I'm okay with it, because it's no more or less than what you want to share. I look forward to each and every one. Hey Halo 3 only had crates and Reach only had blocks and Crates damnit! And I managed to turn this - into this - And what the hell is wrong with big guns in small places! I am offended! Good day sir!!!
I respect that. @a Chunk officialy 4chub mascot? Also I am passed the state of ass cancer but I will continue to do my part. Time to sketch something new with an open mind and fresh ideas.
Chunk is the glue that keeps us all together. Firm, just, kind and honest. And that shaking belly ofcourse.
"Let the bloodletting begin" that's maybe the worst subtitle I've ever heard but I actually liked the fast pans at the start for some reason. It seems to match the urgency of the music, but then the beat kicks in ahahaha that was dog
I have that issue as well. Compliments in general feel odd to me. You ever have people say youre funny? Now you have this pressure to maintain that person’s positive view of you. Consciously forcing your next joke, rather than having it flow naturally. You deserve it though, Chunk. Maybe its because youre a bit older than us. Maybe we’ll be more like you in the future.