GROUNDS FOR MURDER Background: An unscathed building, spared the destruction of war. It's now used as an arena used to settle tribal disputes. What has Earth come to... Downloadmap: Description: Grounds for Murder is a medium sized with quick, fast paced combat in mind. The map has two opposing, raised bases. On one side of the map, there is a circular area with a curved catwalk above it. This catwalk extends all the way to the other side of the map where it connects to the other base. On the other side their is a walk way which leads to the ShottyShack. On either side there are walls with a machine gun interlocked into them. In the middle if the map their are some random sets of cover. Gameplay: The gameplay is like i said before, quick and fast paced. No one is ever far from the combat. With the map not built for long sight lines, SMG's and automatic weapons are your best bet. But long rang weapons like the battle rifle are still a key part of the game. An active camo in the middle will boost your advantage on your foes and is another key element in this map. The power weapons considered for this map are the bruteshot, and the shotgun. This map is recommended for medium to large parties ranging from 8-14 people This map works with: CTF games, Team Slayer, King of the Hill, Assault and Oddball! Weapons & Equiptment: 8 Battle Rifles 2 Plasma Rifles 2 Carbines 1 Brute Shot 2 Sniper Rifles 4 SMG's 2 Spikers 2 Machine Guns 1 Shotgun 2 Bubble Shields 1 Regenerator 1 Active Camo 2 Spike Grenades 2 Plasma Grenades Pictures!LOL: One Base The other base The Shotty Shack on teh side The curved Catwalk... megamounts of interlocking!rofl An angled view on the catwalk From behind a base cover and the interlocked turret The Curve under the semi-circle and behind it thnx and please download ;-) Credit goes to: MOD SANCTITY FOR HELPING ME TEST MY MAP!
i like that fence walkway, youve got my dl, if i wasnt at the dl limit =( anyways nice job on this, 5/5 from me
Looks AWESOME. I would be playing it right now if I didn't have the red ring of death.. Don't worry, I'll come back and download it..