When you're wondering why you died and the lag kicks in https://www.instagram.com/p/BYJAqBeB2yp/ #optoutservers2019
tfw i wasted 50 hours on a map i wasn't happy with, decided to start over, accidentally saved over the file and lost it, but managed to design and finish a new one in 10 hours. inb4 i miss the old one
wow this forum is dead. i'm not eating or drinking until i finish this map. if you don't see one posted by friday assume i died from dehydration.
https://www.forgehub.com/maps/ship-war-v2-working-title.6581/ I am currently trying to fine tune a mini game and looking for some feedback and some tests...There are a few issues with vehicle separation that I am working on. I also really want to get the battles to be more strategic. Give it a try and let me know.
The game is complete dog and the weapon balance is abysmal, and the aiming feels clunky like Halo 5, but I still think it's pretty fun if you have someone to play it with, but I'd rather just see the game die off, ive played it for a week and it's already getting boring
so who wants to GRIND some hcs playlist with me when it comes out? @Box Knows u down brother? I have a new strategy for symmetrical guardian. snipedown won't know what hit him competitive halo is back!!!
goat is posting about scrapping maps I just got unbanned the forge community is getting dicked by 343 and their loverboy squall-e what year is it?
I tried it on my phone too and holy hell, I think it is damn near impossible. On the console it can be fun but it’s overwhelming to me because I came in so late I guess. I can’t improve because most players are so much better and more experienced than I am. I haven’t wrapped my brain around trying to build while in a fight as a defense yet either but to hell with even trying on mobile.
Let’s see who can get banned the fastest! Go! Warholic only comes around here when he hears the word matchmaking! But wait there’s more! He makes different flavored midship clones and calls them original! But wait there’s even more! There are tons of other maps that are way more deserving at a spot for matchmaking and recognition overall! But wait there’s even ****ing more! He has the power to do whatever he wants so get REKT forgehub! Before any of you say im salty I don’t even have a playable 4v4! This was fun, I hope to log back in banned! Thanks for playing!
I finished the redesign. Time to figure out what artstyle and canvas I want. I want to do alpine for the lighting, but the skybox and background are hideous and I don't want to waste pieces hiding them. Tidal lighting is mediocre but more flexible and I have a few choices, so probably tidal. Just need to decide if it's snowy or grassy. Will post screenshots in a day or two.