Looking for a solution...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jester, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. Jester

    Jester Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello, Forge Hub community. My name is Jester, and today I am asking for advice.I am currently in the planning stages of a new map I hope to build on foundry. I have planned out the whole map, and have found one flaw in my idea; in order to make the map the way I invision it, I will be required to geomerge an immense number of interlocked single and double boxes into the floor to create a medium hight platform.I wish to delve the minds of the senior forgers here and see if there is perhaps an eaiser method to do this than individualy geomergind and interlocking the boxes. If there is not, I would appreciate any tips that could help me do it easier.~Jester LS~(i needz help)
  2. iTz Me

    iTz Me Ancient
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    Hmmm...Well I am almost 100% positive that theres I know way to geo-merge more than one thing at a time. If it could be done it would be very hard. I'm saying that your map will only get done if you do it one by one. An easy way you can do this is to just set up all of you boxes, then geo-merge them one by one. If you set up all the boxes first, it gives you a boundary to the box so it can be straight in the ground.
  3. iTz Me

    iTz Me Ancient
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    Hmmm...Well I am almost 100% positive that theres know way to geo-merge more than one thing at a time. If it could be done it would be very hard. I'm saying that your map will only get done if you do it one by one. An easy way you can do this is to just set up all of you boxes, then geo-merge them one by one. If you set up all the boxes first, it gives you a boundary to the box so it can be straight in the ground.

    Edit: Actually you can try interlocking walls into all your boxes so that when it is geo-merged using walls, it will be the perfect height you need. It might take longer but be easier. Not totally sure.

    P.S. Sorry for the double post, computer was slow and got to impatient to wait for the first to post. =O
    #3 iTz Me, Jun 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  4. HalfBrian

    HalfBrian Ancient
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    You could use something like dumpsters and then place walls on top of them.

    Not quite as good looking, but a raised floor none the less.
    #4 HalfBrian, Jun 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  5. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    I suggest bridges on top of dumpsters or barriers, but line the side of it with barriers so it looks like its solid and there is something underneath.

    Wait, what?
  6. made49

    made49 Ancient
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    ok for the geo merging i think you could do it faster if you had a couple peaple doing it in the same game that way you get more done each time
  7. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    yes well, sometimes you just have to buck up and take the time to make the best map possible. its been forever since i posted my last map, and that is because i am taking FOREVER to perfect and complete my new map, deluxation. If you really think that this idea is a good one, then taking a long time to make it is worth it.

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