I need some help on making maps. I wanted to know how people can make so many cool maps on halo 3. Especially foundry. I was wondering how did you learn because I would really like to know so I can make better and cooler maps. Also I wanted to know how do you make like a Fortress map with like two sides and you have to fight against the other team because I am a real Noob to this and need help on making them! So please help!
first of all i would suggest you read forging 101 to learn some of the techniques used in some maps. if you need any more assistance just PM me. also IMO fortress maps are a bit overdone but i don't understand what your saying. like 1 team spawns in the fortress and the other team spawns outside or both teams spawn in a inescapable fortress?
i suggest you check this page out (vvvvv) its full of cool forgeing tecniques http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?p=123290
I mean there are two fortresses. 1 on each side and each team spawns in one of them. Then they have sniper battles and such.
all you do is when you place the spawns hit x to solve that problem and to make good maps i say just dl some good maps and take em apart and look around the site for tips