I am proud to bring to you yet another map. Since there is no point to interlocking anything on this map, I did very little of it. So without further ado, may I present The Twilight. They say its always darkest just before dawn. Too bad in the Arctic, dawn comes once a month. This map has been tested for all gametypes except juggernaut and infection, but was made for all gametypes. It features only MLG weapon sets (BR, AR, Carbine, Mauler, SMG/Plasma Rifle, Sniper Rifle), and uses no filters. Here are some pictures. These pictures don't show all of the map. For example, it doesnt show the red and blue team bases, they are under the BR tower and under the Sniper tower. there are only 2 ways into each base, from the ceiling, and down a ramp. This is the back of the sniper tower. Not much to see here, just a br and a partially blocked off door. _________________________________________ This is a view of the top of the blue base. On the left side you can see the stairs that lead to the top of the sniper tower, where a BR spawns. On the right top, you can see a hovering tower where a sniper rifle and a batle rifle spawn. This is connected both to vent 2 and sniper 2. _________________________________________ From the top of BR 3 you have two platforms. This one is on the right side and has a BR and sniper rifle spawn. It has alot of cover and has a great view of the map, making it an ideal sniping position. _________________________________________ The third and final floating platform. This one can be accessed from BR 2, 3, and vent 2. It has only a battle rifle, but alot of cover. It is multistory. _________________________________________ The mauler spawns bottom center. There is no getting to where the shotgun would normally spawn. This screen is pointed towards the blue base (snipe 1) where the door is blocked off, thats why there is a gravlift. _________________________________________ This is from the same area facing the red base (BR 1). This door is also blocked off. _________________________________________ That is The Twilight in a nutshell. It had really fun gameplay for slayer and slayer BRs. The only problem in team games is sometimes the spawns mess up. Recommended gametypes: Slayer Brs Oddball Swat crazy king thanks to my testers: Icee you MSB Gh0st Die every1 die patches19 slayrarmy Master9898 couldn't have done it without you guys. Have fun! Map download
It does look more competative that blackout. The stairs and bridges make it harder to camp and you haven't overdone it with floating bases (most people do lol!) Good map 5/5
Looks pretty nice! I'm not one of those people who demand interlocking for a map to be good, so I'm DLing. Will come back with thoughts. For now, looks sweet.
Yeah it doesn't look like much but it still took 11 hours to make. I had to fix like fifty different problems my testers pointed out to me.
I don't think it looks good. It seems all you did was add another part to blackout which is just like the two towers. It may be because Blackout really wasn't made for forging, but great effort man. Maybe you'll make it work!
oh wow, i completely had an idea to do something like this, but im glad i didnt, because you sure as hell did a great job with it! nice i like almost everything except the stairs to sniper glitch, and would look better if it were just one. Congrats!
looks very interesting some parts a little sloppy but that probably doesnt matter when it comes to game play. I love blackout and with more stuff i bet it will add more intensity to its already high intensity so ill dl it
Dunno where one would go to the floating one. nothing can touch the wall or it will disappear and I refuse to use teleporters.
Okay I'll be releasing a version with a few more weapons. Three people messaged me last night and said it played good but there weren't enough weapons.
yh i like this, i like the way you added onto the original geometry. i would dl if i had legendary map pack, but ill dl when i do have it
good luck and I feel for you saniity. Thanks to everyone for their comments and downloads. They are greatly appreciated.
Total awesomeness dude! It's great that an newer member, one that I know even, posted a solid map from the Legendary DLC. Sometimes Foundry maps are a little repetitive, so I am always excited when I see a map on something other than Foundry. I will download, it looks entertaining and promising... *Fingers croseed*
Thanks for the enthusiastic post Brute Captain, it means alot. Thanks for your feedback and constructive criticism everyone!