I don't know when it was on... probably saturday mornings... to each his own. I never watched it back then, just a few years ago and I found it humorous and somewhat clever.
Yeah I don't get it. I've never done this before but people have all kinds of covers of Tesseract loaded up all over YouTube. What's the damn deal? lol. I got an email saying its blocked in certain countries due to copywrights, but how does everyone else do it? I can watch it but it doesn't show up when I search it.
"Will Aschur ever learn when, and when not, to correctly use commas?" Am I the only one who noticed this hypocrisy or was that the point of the joke? I'm a bit behind on the conversation. FIND out next time on Dragon Ball Forgekid!
Oh it's awesome. But in the 90's cheese sort of way. So much cheese that there's even cheese in the crust
So finally tried Fortnite this week and I'm pleasantly surprised by how stupid fun the game is. I like the arcade style and the building part really puts more depth and skill in the game then I would say beforehand. I saw this youtuber boxing people in and kills them with traps etc. Even the last few players on the field lol. Pretty fun stuff. I on the other hand still struggle with controls and I play like a moron, too aggressive mostly. Becoming good in building really takes a while and I'm not quite there yet. Still haven't won but I had a few top 10 places.
Okay the Farcry 5 multiplayer is maybe the worst thing I've ever experience. I can't even fathom how many terrible decisions had to be made to get to this point. The campaign is fun to **** around in, but the aiming is the worst I've ever seen in a shooter by 10 fold. Buy it on PC or don't buy it at all.
People who like to sit on their couch and not become the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I like a controller.
I'm working on a spies vs mercs mode for H5. Making videos and streaming the process is pretty cool. Realized my viewers really just watch though, I'm going to have to find testers.