That sucks. Pro Builder is what I used last time I worked on something outside of forge. That was quite a while ago though.
Pro builder is completely free now that the pro-core team is apart of unity. In my opinion having used many different software and add-ons, there is no better way than probuilder. If for some reason it isn't working for you, shoot me a message and I'll send you the full version.
Is that gloom? If so then damn, I have never seen someone try to work with the filter for a core map, it would be really nice to see someone use it since it has such a unique look, it can be hard to work with though as it looks bad with some colors and making it bright enough can be a big challenge. It honestly feels more powerful than any other filter with how much of an impact it has, it is the only filter capable of making a room with no light truely 100% dark.
I learn so much with every map that I feel all of my previous work is absolute trash, which means what I'm making might become trash... nah this **** is baller
Working on a map, trying to decide what kind of weapons to go on it. I'm thinking weapons that take skill to use. What would you recommend? Map is 1v1, medium range generally.
We've tried a ton of weapons on 1v1 maps, and there aren't many that feel very fair in a straight up 1v1 scenario. I remember Xandrith used the weapon pad glitch to make a sniper that only had 1 round in the clip, so you had to reload after each shot, which was pretty cool, but if you're going for regular weapons, the sentinel beam is pretty balanced and fun. Otherwise, we've typically just used our pistols.
Yay pro builder buddies! It looks promising, but it's way too limited on the free version of unity, i need to pay for unity advanced if i want all the options If you have some sort of friend code than dont mind if i do! Pm me