~~~~~WHEN DOWNLOADING...PLEASE RATE, THEN COMMENT!~ Please rate pic here: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21606986 I saw the UFO on forgehub and i wanted to recreate one of my own, it went pretty well. lol The Thought Of It While messing around in forge, i was making my latest infection map. When i spawned up a respawn area, it reminded me of a hologram from a UFO that sucks you in. The thought of it made me wonder, lets build a UFO! Creation What I did was I took a watchtower base and put it upside down, then put another base on top of it. I put the top base to respawn "no." I then interlocked 4 ramps together on top of the upside down watchtower.. Wallah! Outcome of Pic As you can see, there is a UFO. The hologram thingy is a respawn area which was measured out to fit under the UFO to give it a sci-fi feeling. There is an "elite" (aka: me), in the respawn area jumping. Next to the hologram, it says the word UFO, Unidentified Flying Objects! Well thats my share of the Pic, its now time for your share... DOWNLOAD,COMMENT, AND RATE!!! =) Thankyou, The one and only CHAMP0Y888!
thats sick but what I would have done is put the double ramps around the whole thing so it made a "traditional" looking ufo.
The only thing i like is how it seems he's being ''sucked up'' into the ufo... like the battery commercials...elect-something. I forgot...:F
wow thats really good, it would b better if u went in a bit closer, b more realistic if u didnt put the words ufo on the floor... still good tho
^yup thats where he said he got his idea for the pic from. the pic made me laugh not lol, but its still good though
That's pretty sweet, before I read the description I sat after it loaded for like a minute wondering what you used =P