This is very interesting. When I typically get an epiphany i normally attribute it to bridging a concept I know with newly found information. It's typically a subconsious act to me. Oftenly it's like "level design math". I actually found it more interesting that you found golden ratio's to be a factor of what defines good level design and attributed that to God. I wouldn't necessarily use those to define good level design, but it's normally pretty awesome to find them in people's work. I personally am not a fan of attributing my work, or others work to an entity that I don't know for sure exists because it feels like it devalues the authors contribution, but I respect your opinion.
It's hard to enjoy anything that's not melee after you play melee honestly lol. Everything just feels dumbed down.
everyone i've showed that parkour clip to either says the people are dumb or has no reaction. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS WATCHED IT 10 TIMES AND APPRECIATES THE CINEMATOGRAPHY
also i haven't played Smash 4 on console but it's dog on 3DS. all those years i wanted portable smash, but notlikethis.gif i'm sure it's better on console. my only issue with the game so far are the boring stages and bloated roster. it's not melee but i stopped taking smash seriously when smashboards banned me ten years ago for disagreeing with the holy tier list.
@Goat @Given To Fly Switches were going on Ebay for like $220 today since they had a 20% off everything deal that ends in like a two hours. I don't know if they're sold out or not. EDIT: Actually looks like they're all sold out and the ones that are actually still up are jerks who upped their prices to accommodate the 20% deal. Which is dumb because it's at no loss of value to them, eBay shovels out the 20%. So essentially they're hoping people will buy with their 20% off coupon so they can pocket the extra 20% and the buyer still buys at retail. EDIT 2: Still a good deal for PC parts for you guys who are looking to build. A lot of items (GRAPHICS CARDS) never go on sale and have only been skyrocketing with all this crypto junk going on.
I'm hoping all these cryptocurrencies crash and stay down so people mass sell their graphics cards and the average price goes wayyyyy down.
Guess who's item budget is at 1600 without any lost items physics errors or gamebreaking framerate issues
I have an old map that's more fitting for classic settings. I just made a small adjustment to one area so that a jump is possible. It should be playable in its current state, though I have no idea how the weapon set will work. I can't promise that it won't play like crap, but it's worth a try I suppose. Chunk_8186bf69-c22d-4663-b942-9731cdd94b07 If that link doesn't work, you can get it from my bookmarks. It's named Crab Grab. Genesis might be okay too. With H5's normal settings it's a bit small for 4v4 and a bit big for 2v2. Chunk_fc2f20f3-554a-4294-ae8a-b953d39406ae On a related note. I just realized that you can't use custom settings in forge... WTF!
The mining aspect of crypto sucks, but its not going anywhere. Major businesses are endorsing it. The bar i used to work allows crypto for payment. @HeX Reapers will do
You guys were talking about graphics cards and out of nowhere i coincidentally came to an epiphany. I was thinking about how lucky i am to not give a **** about graphics thanks to runescape. Then i started thinking about how i collectively have nearly 2 years of gametime in runescape. Then i did the math and realized just how much time that is relative to my full life. Then i thought about how many real life skills i learned through runescape and how it was the reason i lost my virginity. Then i thought about where i would be if i never played it. Then i realized how it pretty much raised me. The epiphany? Runescape is my parents... Anyways i think the point is no one really needs a high end graphics card. Unless you werent raised right. Im pretty sure there are no holes in my logic.
Carbide is close to finished, I think. The layout and (new) cinematics are pretty much finalized. Some fine-tuning of spawns and weapons could be done, and some touch-ups on the art/lighting, but for now I'm pretty satisfied. New colors and pipes. The walkway has been slightly expanded. Yard received a facelift. Added some color near blue base and a slight redesign of the cover. Some minor changes here. The Railgun still spawns here in strongholds, but the picture was taken in slayer. New design in the side tunnel near yard. Slayer has different weapon pads. The Yard, Junction, and Piston strongholds have been replaced with a SAW, Spartan Laser, and Rocket Launcher, respectively. The road near the vats has been widened. I'll see how these weapons work out, though the SAW or rockets may be swapped for a plasma caster or Incineration cannon. The map has been sealed off as well. Special thanks to D4rkDeath and DELTA V for their advice and assistance, and Ascend Hyperion and Max Extra for running the lobbies that provided valuable feedback.
EDIT: I Finally found my first match after at least 3 timouts... anyone know why one would not be able to find a match in one playlist but others are okay? Before you say player population, I just tested that with someone on discord. I am seemingly the ONLY person who cannot AT ALL find an FFA match in ranked. Last season, I did 1 or 2 quali matches and then rage quit one... could it somjehow ban me from one list just for that? After that, I could never get one, and now with the new season I cannot even get 1 single qualifying match. Other lists are fine and give me a match very quickly (for halo). Again, it is not the player population - something is broken for ME. Any suggestions?