Or you can just call me prophet i love elites but im a spartan so i can use mah sword and be a ninja, Im am the current leader of the No-Scope Ninjas clan where you can be a No-scoping ninja or learn how to be one ive made three good maps called coloseum v3.5 battlegrounds groundzero and also numerous sniper maps I take cool and funny pictures and play custom with my freinds steven, michael,brandon, eric, and sam
welcome to forgehub prophet glad to see you enjoy making maps. if you need any forge tips i suggest you read forging 101 to learn some pretty cool forging tricks or you can just PM me. hope to see you around in the future
Hey prophet... can I call you hershey? Your name looks like the word hershey, like hershey chocolate lol. (Sorry if thats offensive, not meant to be) anyway, welcome to FH! I have a map named coliseum too!! Great minds think a like. Hope you enjoy the site and stick around :]
wow, i thought that name wasnt used yet, darn cuz i made a map and named it the exact same thing. oh well. and what do the no scope ninjas do really?
Welcome! I am in a clan called Ninjas Without Pants, and as zstrike said above "Great minds DO think alike"