wow, go nintendo for being so bold, i hope they don't lose business for that comment, though i'm almost 100% they will lose some at least... EDIT: just read all the other posts...n i am sorry rey...i realize you are's not that great making fun of someone because they are fat, though, not being fat makes me think, if i was, i wouldn't give two shits what people said about me, because i know i could do something about it, if i just got off my lazy ass...(poor me, probably jynxin my ass, and will have to sweat ballz to not be fat one day now...) The one reason why i actually feel bad for abnormally proportioned people, is because i know that i don't have to excercise to stay skinny (right now) while if they even want to attempt to lose some of the disproportionatism...(actual word?) then they have to sweat ballz for at least an hour 3-4 days a week...