It's not the topic per se but the mere tone and how it's given to us. Like a fact or truth or the only way to live your life. Yeah yeah we get it, you love a god and we should all bow down to this majestic, allpowerful creature. Nobody cares. I wonder how christians would react to him if he was muslim or hindoe... And why tf would I read the whole literature of something I think is hocus pocus? I know what I need to know.
Are you seriously assuming tone on the internet? You would read it so you understand why the majority of the world believes in it (not Christianity but god in general) and you can actually develop a real argument against it other than relying on presuppositions and relying on insulting it as being hocus pocus. Also, I already said religious people are just as guilty of doing the same thing as far as making conclusions without knowing anything about what they oppose. I just want people to be open minded and not get triggered by overly zealous people.
Hell yeah I'm judging his tone on the internet. I've seen his posts for 2+ years now, I know who I'm dealing with. I know what he said in the past and yes my memory is that good. The majority of the world believes because it's force fed to them. Like I said, I know what I need to know. Creationists believe evolution is hocus pocus and I believe religion is hocus pocus. Is that really an insult? Really purely? Come on.
You know I would rehash my wall of text on word choice and presentation, but I'm too busy golfing. Also half of reason I even put thought into writing that was to mirror the speech of a non-exsist character from a fictional medium. Carry on...
well most creationists i know believe in evolution and if you ever talk to soldat off of this site he is actually pretty damn friendly and even with his views he doesn't really come off as being high and mighty. That is why I said it.
That's probably true because Xandrith sounds pretty friendly too. Let's leave it alone. He got what he wanted. Attention. Bye purely, talk soon x Worst mod ever Box.
I think we can all agree on this. There are two kinds of Reinhardt players. Cowards and retards and I think it is pretty safe to say I am no coward.
There's a difference between testimony and "forcing your beliefs down peoples throat". If you really don't care what other people believe in, then act like it.
Most atheists become uncomfortable during religious discussion because the holy spirit is knocking on their brain saying "what if you are wrong"