Can you do us OCD guys a favor and just go ahead and scooch that window over to the middle of the wall? That’d be great.
I've got a bad habit of using the word 'Luck'.. Luck doesn't exist. The Law of Causality states every thing that has a begining has a cause. If you follow any chain of causation backwards you will find the Prime cause of the universe; also known as God. My breaks went out while i was driving and i was able to make a sharp right turn into a convenient spot and get a tow. The tow drivers truck said "Jesus saves" and i couldn't have been more happy to chat with a brother in christ on the drive to the shop. He actualy took me to a different location than i had origonaly planned at the same cost, and the shop charged less with his reference. Gods always bailing me out of my neglegence, all glory to the most high
I mean you don't have to read it. He isn't harming anyone. If you are offended by someones religious belief then you should probably think about your own personal beliefs and morality and how that contradicts it. Though I do think it is strange he finds it necessary to do it all the time and that he should go bowling.
I'm not offended nor do I need to check my morality or beliefs. It's just a little anoying, random over the top religious out of the blue gibberish no one gives a **** about.
I mean is it really random at this point? Also, like I said you don't have to read it. There are plenty of things that people talk about in here that are annoying to others as well. My biggest issue, as someone who isn't a Christian, that I have when it comes to these sort of topics is that people rarely know the religious literature they are arguing or annoyed by. So without knowing it people make a presupposition about it based off memetics that are promoted to them everyday by whatever they use to get their information. This does go both ways though. I would never say it doesn't. Plenty of religious people do the same ****ing thing. With some groups being much worse than others even if they fall under the same belief system. I just feel like there is no point in being annoyed by something that in the long run will not effect you in a negative way. In fact it makes you look like you don't want your views challenged even if that is not really the case. In reality though, my opinion is ****.
I mean, I can see why someone should or shouldn't be offended by constant exposure to differing beliefs. That being said, it's laughable to me that you guys don't just keep scrolling. It's like AHHHH WORDS IN MY BRAIN, I WASN'T PREPARED TO GO THROUGH THESE MOTIONS TODAY! You could be spending this time figuring out how to not be annoyed by other people. I know it can be hard because people can be pretty annoying, but for me it's been worth the effort. Aside from my mod persona, if I see something I disagree with I'll scroll right past it. Who does that comment think it is trying to tell me how to live my life? It's not gonna force me to do anything. The only reasons I could be upset at it involve recognizing my own shortcomings within the message or lack of understanding of a subject.