I liked it the first time I watched. Second time after I had watched the Force Awakens, not so much. One thing that is just bizarre to me is that TFA goes out of their way to show that Finn doesn't know how to pilot a ship, but in TLJ he is shown piloting multiple ships, and he was in coma between the movies so he had no time to learn how to fly
TFA was just a shitty wish fulfillment version of A New Hope. I don't blame Rian Johnson for ignoring everything about it. I blame him for making an even worse movie.
God, reading this makes me realize how stupid using the Force is now. The latest trilogy made certain of that with how self aware they are about it.
When you read a really funny joke from @MULLERTJE and then @Soldat Du Christ starts preaching in all caps right after it.
Guys please do not touch your diddly, we wouldn't want any of the fine citizens of Forgehub going to hell. Please consider something like this when going to bed.
"A murky, forgotten land. A place where souls may mend your ailing mind. You will lose everything once Branded. The symbol of the curse. An augur of darkness. Your past. Your future. Your very light. None will have meaning, and you won't even care. By then, you'll be something other than human. A thing that feeds on souls. A Hollow. Long ago, in a walled off land, far to the north, a king built a great kingdom. One day, you will stand before its decrepit gate. Without really knowing why. Like a moth drawn to a flame. Your wings will burn in anguish. Time after time. For that is your fate. The fate of the cursed." -Old Ass Lady ...I mean if were posting random fiction quotes, might as well post something halfway interesting.