Sorry I had to dip, I got slammed with some real life that will be taking the bulk of my time the next couple of days
It’s fun. I’m a little bigger than most guitars but I live life on a larger scale. Seems like someone is always pulling my strings though.
Comm Faves results are up. Returning to a previous style I think is much better. Will be continuing this in the future
my guitar is a sunburst squire strat with a broken input that I 'soldered' back together with a lighter and the end of one of my strings that I haven't chopped off, which also serve as a makeshift wind chime - it is covered in stickers taken from fruit, fast-food joints, and museums, as well as neon pink 'duck' tape. All the frets have grooves worn in them from my vibrato, and the 1st tring gets stuck underneath the 20th fret sometimes and pings a G whenever it's touched. It plays like a dream though. also I will be chugging out a map in the next week
Should i skip DS 2 and go straigh for DS 3, i heard it's the lesser of the three and wouldn't mind saving 40$
If you don't play it for pvp then for sure. DS2 is a good game but it is completely irrelevant to the rest of the series. The world design isn't as great but on an individual level basis it is still some of the better level design out there.
Right, it's not a bad game just not a good sequal. That seems to be the general concencous among ds fans. I think ill just get ds 3