Haven't seen your videos but I'm being hyperbolic obviously. The "big content creators" with thousands of subs and views on each video seem to follow the same speaking patterns. Also known as yelling.
https://www.youtube.com/c/AscendHyperion But yeah, I think that trend is pretty noticeable. Makes 'em sound "passionate"
Comm faves is live ya'll. This month, I want to take the results article in a different direction. Be sure to vote
I have 2 interesting ideas already in mind for Halo 6 That last map scratched that itch I've been trying to reach for the last 3 months. It really burned me out of forge though. I havent had any motivation to make a single thing since I finished it.
thanks! formatting kinda got ****ed - I don't write for a living, no, though I have considered getting into it more, considering I recently wrote and published (one copy) of a book detailing the affects of and flowing thoughts regarding my recent *AHEM* collapsed relationship *AHEM*
Not everyone can make new and interesting key points. It takes a lot of planning and deliberation. I mean that last debate took me MONTHS of frustration before I had the values I needed to make a case. /s
but if you do, you'll never be satisfied with the lighting or skybox around you, and the shoes will not look how you expect, and you'll just put them in a box forever - after teasing us by showing us the shoes, of course.