So I’ve been off the site for a few days. I missed 256 posts in the Waywo. Anything interesting happen since the big religious discussion?
I'm too bored of Forge, Unreal, and 3ds Max to use them, so which program should I learn? Photoshop? Marmoset Toolbag? Substance Designer? I'm not too sure about which game engine to go with yet, so maybe Unity? I'm hoping that Source 2 is good. CryEngine 3???
You could create your own. Create a video editing software and make a 1v1 winners video. I'm sure you'll still beat the staff.
Nah, haven't you heard? Halo's dead. We're all zombies. On a more serious note; have any of you used Lumberyard at all? I'm reeeeaaally tempted to use it but don't know anything that does excluding Star Citizen.
@MultiLockOn /anyone else that wants to join in on the honesty train: I've started drawing out the concept of 'le melting asym-sym' and I was wondering if I could book your key mind before I start forging it. I'm not looking for a co-forge per se, but a look into the future for problem areas. Ex: this area won't work/be enjoyable because A or B, this mechanic is pointless because C and D. I'm gonna give myself a week to get things all drawn out and concepts explained. I ask because I don't want a crutch, but it's such a cool concept that I don't want to botch it and ruin it for everyone else. it'll take up the next couple months of my forge time, so any and all knowledge you wanna lend would be superdy duper
Vice versa, but yeah. I have some things I've learned since first coming up with the idea and want to see how it translates
we're getting the results 3 months after the judging process was complete this better be the best video ever made Here is the announcement article. A little insight from the team: I received the Winners from Multi about a month ago. Dec 8th to be exact. Since the contest was open to staff members and there was total interest in keeping the results hush hush, only two people on staff were informed of the winners. Myself, who was doing the write up and BaconMedia, who was doing the video. Now, everyone on staff is either in College or works full time. Me and Bacon both were balls deep in Final Exams, Projects and Presentations. I had originally considered passing it to someone else but our team went on a pretty unsynced holiday. After I finished finals I left the state for about a week. Bacon is still gone and for those who don't know how our team works, Bacon is our video guy. Very few members on the team have proper recording tools let alone the ability the edit them as Bacon does. The other day, I made the decision to release the results without the video at the same time so that people can finally see who won. Hopefully this clears up why the results took so long/ why they are being presented as is.