I won't even be mad if it's a castle. But if you end up scrapping that project and tossing it into your pile, you will have lost what little patience I have left for you. If the cycle is truly broken like your fourth leg in your Goat persona, it will be a milestone in Forgehub history. You have shown promise, plenty of it, but nary a piece of evidence that lasted more than a few days. You've bashed your brains in frustration in the limitations of a singular creation engine you just can't escape from. Even when you asked for permanent leave, you eventually came back with a cute jab like nothing ever happened. And not only that, you started talking about color theory, placing emotion and feel in the design. Deeper meanings in the geometry. Creating a story. Really compelling things. It looked like you've finally made a breakthrough. So do everyone a favor, and prove it.
Well, I understand where you are coming from with respect to the past, but it's just that to me - the past. Making a grand reentry, or proving something to anyone is not why I decided to return. I will always enjoy creative environments, and ForgeHub is somewhere with a role that I want to fill. Part of that means that I'll be sharing what I know about design, which I am currently applying to things far more meaningful to me than a Forge map in Halo. But the other part is perhaps more important, and hopefully apparent already. And it's not a castle.
I don't know whether to be happy goat is finally finishing a map or annoyed that it's another key map meaning we're going to have the same arguments we had last time all over again. Actually, scratch that, I'm so hyped for the arguements to kick off again. Someone get the popcorn
So it's settled, next map is a castle BTB. Tropical french fortress on a mountainous island. I think I deserve a shot at one. It's basically gonna be a tower of power playground
NO GOAT THIS ISNT HOW WE TELL PEOPLE ABOUT OUR KEYish MAP. Well now its out....<3 Its been fun actually co forging this one. TRUST THE PROCESS
Hey. You're not that bad Xandrith. Don't be so harsh on yourself. You're an ok forger to. And you still forging now really shows you're more dedicated to forge than the talented guys that don't forge anymore.
wow look at these idiots who bought into the troll LOL don't feed the troll all ur maps suck we need more triangles
I bet you're an important part of society, you lack of anger, compassion giving mother lover. Go feed the needy you pinnacle of level designing personal inspiration.