Do people really not know the d-pad shortcuts? It's right there on the screen... LEFT TRIGGER SHORTCUTS CONTROL TRANSLATION/MOVING OBJECTS Left Trigger (LT) + object selected: Toggle move LT + Left Stick (LS) + object selected: Move object LT + D-Pad Right/Left: Toggle Degree of Movement Snap LT + D-Pad Up: Enable/Disable Magnets LT + D-Pad Down: Toggle World or Object Translation (whether the object moves with the canvas directional axis, or its own) RIGHT TRIGGER SHORTCUTS CONTROL ROTATIONS Right Trigger (RS) + LS + object selected: Rotate object RT + D-Pad Right/Left: Toggle Degree of Rotation Snap RT + D-Pad Up: Toggle Origin Rotation or Center of Mass Rotation. Basically where you want your anchor point (most useful with ring pieces) RT + D-Pad Down: Reset object's relative orientation (useful for moving groups on Parent obejcts, but more often done by accident) LEFT TRIGGER + RIGHT TRIGGER IS DEDICATED TO ANOTHER ROTATION FUNCTION LT + RT + D-Pad Up: Toggle Camera, Object, or World Rotation. Use Camera with rotation snap 0° to free-hand, e.g. terrain and lighting. Use World when manipulating prefabs (usually horiziontally) on their parent objects Use Object for everything else Also, D-Pad Up + your Reload Button puts you in theater mode while in Forge, and if you press the back button, you can move your Spartan around while in theater mode
Yea it's D-Pad Right and your Reload button... which should be B for anyone who wants to play Halo 5 right.
This guy has made two epic Overwatch maps by himself on Unreal Editor. He said the Cairo map only took him 2 months.
When he walks around his maps in first person is that in the Unreal engine or Overwatch? I'm confused. It looks awesome indeed.
Watching the endless cycle is only funny the few dozen times. There is no humor left, just disappointment.
Since the framerate update, I started a "key" map and the design just got finished. All that's left is art and for Seth and I to script it.