I'd rather they give us all the the assets from the new game, because I doubt they would give us everything from everywhere. With that in mind, they probably need to reorganize the menu in the next forge. It's already annoying to find things.
So I have been experimenting with the lighting on Depths since it is a rather ignored canvas (and for a pretty good reason), but it has some interesting traits that might be cool for the creation of some cool themes. The fog and contrast on the shadows is unreal, and you can kind of almost apply a blur like effect to the environment using distance fog for some reason. There are some obvious downsides such as the limited space without the stupid canvas gobo, and the forced blue tint (that can kind of be hidden), but when you edit the distance fog you can get some crazy results. I highly recommend just experimenting. I bet if you just take on the canvas and leave the cotton candy pastel look some parts have by default I bet you could create a wicked fantasy theme. Its not perfect but you can create amazing snowscapes here, maybe one day we can actually have snow on the trees instead of white grime. It makes Barrens rocks look black which in itself is very cool (although it makes player models look a bit bad with the settings). Also I have a mystery that needs to be solved Wtf is this black box? I just ventured under the map while experimenting and found this, It is not the chroma box. Also cotton candy sky with no fog.
To those that say that Forge is too limiting and should be a genuine mod tool: go somewhere else. You can't expect 343i to make a good game, so why would you hope for a good mod tool? Personally I just deal with the limitations and try to find creative ways around or through them.
Well 343 isn't just one department. Tom french did some very un-343-like things with Halo 5's forge, namely being that he actually looked through the community to see what we wanted. Forge isn't as good as it should be, but before this iteration of forge, each version was barely better than the last, if at all. This was a massive upgrade, and I don't think it's unreasonable to expect another big jump.
Well they're not going to rip things from other titles, but they still have to close off the models they use in Campaign before they give it to us, which doesn't really make sense to me. I was under the impression that they modeled something in 360 degrees and then chipped away the parts we wouldn't be seeing while in the level during optimization, but apparently they only model what they need to begin with. Otherwise, they ought to be able to just give us stuff from their own libraries.
Well, darn, now I have to stay on my desktop rather than go to my friend's drunken crusade of a party