On the topic of demons. They only have power if you give them power. Example: I wake up at night quite often and experience weird episodes. One time, I felt that I was being shaked and what was shaking me was telling me some **** in an indescribable low voice. I proceeded to mutter what few words could escape my lips... **** off
This is why it is important that we gain a better understanding of words within our own language. The elites in our society take advantage of this fact and abuse both phrasing and multiple meanings to create divisiveness.
I honestly agree with this. For a long time after my experience, I would get freaked out at night alone and start getting scared and I would pray. It’s funny cuz I always asked for a bubble of protection lol. My vocabulary was obviously amazing because I was asking God for a bubble lol. But seriously, once I prayed I would have an indescribable sense of relief and security afterwards. I still wasn’t able to sleep with my door closed and pitch dark for quite some time unless I had a friend stay the night or unless I was at someone else’s house.
I have had this problem for most of my life and the last 6 or 7 years is when I finally started telling myself to do this because the images were starting to become more vivid and I couldn't really think of another solution. I don't have a particular faith but I do have faith in god and that is a part of what allows me to look at "satanic/demonic" and know that it only can influence me if I let it. As most religious text makes this clear. Also, for the liberals here. If you really want to understand the powers that push their agenda throughout the world. Look at religion as the majority of the uber wealthy are religious. Sorry if any of this is offensive it is not meant to be.
One time, a few years back I was jerking it, and believe it or not, Jesus whispered in my ear: "that's a sin"
I honestly surprisingly agree with this. I once suffered from a recurring dream where something would come into my room and then it would grab me and I'd wake up. Eventually one time I realised I was in the dream and managed to make myself in the dream swing around a hit it in the face rather than being frozen in fear like normal. I never had the dream again. I'm not sure of whether I really believe in demons or not but it was a weird experience.
It is actually a tough fear to conquer as it is a very strong fear. So actually overcoming it is very difficult. What I find interesting while dreaming is that in some dreams if you realize you are dreaming you can go lucid but with some as soon as you try to do your lucid thing. Mine is flying and teleporting. The dream kicks you out and you wake up.
I went lucid in a dream four times in my life. The one that fits this context included me flying out of the lobby of the hotel I was at, and bee-lining straight for the stars. No sarcasm, but the dos equis most interesting man in the world was barring my way to the solar system and told me I was not ready. Woke up immediately after that. One dealt with controlling the demon that had plagued me from 4-11 years of age. The other 2 are just life changing fluff that I won't go into unless you really want haha
I wish I could go Lucid all the time in my dreams. Sometimes I realize I’m dreaming and go lucid but in the dream I never do what I would REALLY want to do in real life. Like I wake up and think why didn’t I do this or this? And I can never climax when having sexual dreams either for some reason. Maybe it’s a good thing cuz when I dream I’m peeing in the toilet I pee myself in bed. So if I climax in my dream I’m sure I’d wake up all sticky. Disclaimer, I haven’t dreamed I’m peeing in the toilet since I was a kid. And I did in fact pee the bed at that time. This doesn’t happen anymore lol.
Funny you say that as the one time I had what felt like an out of body experience. I immediately tried to go up to space to look at Earth and right as I was starting to go through my ceiling I was slammed right down into my body. With some bright gold light blob at my feet which I have seen once before while experiencing sleep paralysis.
I do strange things in dreams. I seem to generally act the opposite way of everyone else who encounters similar situations in their dreams. When faced with situations where people typically experience fear, I feel and act fearless, and feel no concern for my physical well-being. I've had a couple of dreams where monsters or other 'scary' beings show up in my dreams and I initially reacted by running. Then shortly afterward I found myself wondering in my head what the hell I was doing running, and I turned around and ran straight at them. They almost always flee in fear, and when they don't I go apeshit on them and the dream usually ends in the middle of the destruction. I have one memorable dream from a few years back where I found myself in the middle of a knife fight with another man. My initial reaction was to defend myself. Then I suddenly had the feeling that the man was attacking me as a defense mechanism (that he was seeing me as a threat for some reason). Upon realizing this, I couldn't bring myself to do him any harm. I didn't want to leave him with a feeling of guilt for killing a helpless man, so I carried on with the fight briefly, and then allowed him to stab and kill me, without making it obvious that I was 'letting him' do it. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the death of my body would not be the death of 'me', so I had no fear or hesitation about dying, and in my dream state this seemed the best way to put the man at ease. I also have this strange thing with falling dreams... Those dreams where I find myself plummeting from the sky toward the hard earth. I always go into some sort of meditative state, and enjoy the pure ecstasy of the free-fall. Again, I know I'm going to die when I hit the ground, but I don't care. I just want to enjoy the moment. I don't recall experiencing fear in my waking life in decades now, and that has carried over into my dream life. It seems to me that consciousness exists within physical existence, but is not tied to it, so this carry over, and the other stories that you all are sharing, really isn't surprising.
I feel more comforted with the door closed than with the door open. Seems everyone is different on that regard.