What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. HeX Reapers

    HeX Reapers Legendary
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    No, nothing nessecarily "wrong" happens in this game. Maybe you're mistaking it with something else?
  2. MartianMallCop

    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh I think your right my B
    HeX Reapers likes this.
  3. Dunco

    Dunco Troll Whisperer
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    Honestly I'm pretty sure they 'liked' the part where I called you a *** dumpster.

    And before you start flailing those lil **** beaters you call arms across that keyboard do us all a favor..

    ..run yourself over ;)
  4. Spranklz

    Spranklz Ancient
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    I think it really depends on how you define "truth." I think people say that you can't be sure of what is true because they believe there is a non-zero chance that your entire understanding of the world is false. For all you know, your reality could actually just be a dream; and in the real world 2+2=5.

    I'm sure you can recall a dream that depicted a reality different from the one you experience when you're awake, and that convinced you while you were dreaming.
    GrayishPoppy210 likes this.
  5. GrayishPoppy210

    GrayishPoppy210 Legendary
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    Jùst Möñîkā
    K a n t a l o p e likes this.
  6. GrayishPoppy210

    GrayishPoppy210 Legendary
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    Doki doki reference aside I also believe in creationism and evolution. The whole god created the world in 7 days things is nonsense but how else was he meant to explain it to us? This just shows not everything in the Bible has to be taken to be exactly true so maybe some of you guys could learn from that and not be sexist pigs. With the whole math and truth thing I agree with the fact it is subjective. People interpret things in different ways as someone said and math isn't necessarily true, it's a concept we came up with. That pretty much sums up my general thoughts on the last few pages. Carry on guys.
    P.s. please stop spooping me out. Those stories are 2 spoopy 4 me.
  7. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    I swear y'all wait for me to go to work before setting fires lol
    GrayishPoppy210 and Dunco like this.
  8. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    A demon of lust has its way with me in my sleep or something, i'm not sure how that works since it's ethereal. I'd call it a succubus but... Its a male, which makes it worse.

    One night i awoke, vaugely around the time of the witching hour, 3am, to a noise. I brushed it off and pulled out my phone, skimming the youtube feed. I heard something again, a voice near me, i brushed it off again because i was still drowsy. So i started watching this cover of a nirvana song, do re mi, to calm myself down...

    I heard it again, it said "yeeah yeah yeeeeeeeah..."

    Chills still get to me even just typing that. To this day i never quote those words with my mouth. I always type it or wright down what it said when i tell people the story

    I jumped out of bed fully awake and pulled on the chain turning the lights on, screaming "WHAT" as i looked around the room, there was nothing there. I crawled back into bed and got in the fetal position. Its funny, i always thought that position was a made up meme, but i geuss its real.

    As i rocked back and forth i kept hearing it speak, saying the same thing every 5 minutes or so. Its position in the room would change also. I called my gf and shes such a sweetie pie, she drove all the way down to where i lived to pick me up, she was so sleepy too. I made her stay on the phone with me the entire time while i was freaking out. I waited until i saw her pull up and then i bolted out of the room.

    I wasn't able to sleep in that room for two weeks, and if i did, i had to have the lights on, xbox running, computer on, etc. Just to drown out amy possible sounds
    qrrby and Xandrith like this.
  9. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    I never said you're making it up. I believe you man. I know this stuff happens
    Xandrith likes this.

    Senior Member

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    Morning hub, are we still on demons and women?

    I don't believe in a religion, or ghosts demons or souls or heaven and hell. I'm not spiritual or have I had any experiences that weren't coincidential or could be interpreted any way you want.

    And for the love of life itself women should be cherished and treated as equals. That's not even a question. The empowerment of women is a great thing for society. You are literally 100 years behind on the memo and I don't think I ever met someone irl who actually believe this is the way it should be.

    I'm all about science. I visit scientific websites and read magazines every month. My 2 most loved fields are biology and astronomy. The amount of things human beings can overcome because of science and knowledge is truly remarkable. Science is the future, our future.
  11. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    I don't think Christianity is anti science. In fact as time goes on the more specifically accurate the bible turns out to be.

    Senior Member

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    I didn't meant that at all. I only said that for me personally, when you approach everything in a 'scientific' way, it's hard to believe in all these things. It just doesn't make any sense. Again, for me personally.
    MultiLockOn, Dunco and qrrby like this.
  13. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    Bit on said subjects:

    WOMEN - Everyone's brains operate differently; we're all exposed to different experiences; people grow up with different personalities.

    My understanding of man vs woman is that of personalities, and not so much gender, dictate whether or not someone is a housewife or househusband. I'm not saying you should go and get a sex change, but it doesn't affect me in the slightest so why should I protest?

    Sometimes, a girl grows up a tomboy; she then finds herself a man that's also very tomboy, because that's what she's into.
    Other times, the tomboy craves a more feminine man, and the 2 work in sync as a duality.

    It all depends on the energy you surround yourself with and are most comfortable receiving and giving.

    Some people will learn 'masculine' lessons in spirit and mind rather than in body, and to be in sync with the world they have created will compensate by gravitating towards things with 'feminine' energy. The same is true for the feminine side, as well as the mixture of those lessons between mind, body, and soul. I'll note here to by saying I don't literally mean dude and chick auras, it's more a representation of the two ultimate extremes and the balance between them.

    I was beaten a lot as a kid by my male 'friends', and chose to act in a more feminine role as I grew up; I eventually went so far as to try and reshape what it means to be a 'man' (which is now a dead project).

    I hope I got my point across well enough.

    @Zombievillan whenever I'm in the presence of negative entities my eyes will uncontrollably water up (I don't cry otherwise unless I'm doing a certain form of prayer/meditation). So let's just say I believe you.

    Also concerning negative entities and exposure to opening doors:
    In my experience, anything that manifests on this plane is subject to the willpower/faith of the individual it is interacting with. I think there's a reference in the Bible stating something along those lines, but in dealing with attacks on the spirit (depression, anger, negativity, distressed spirits/ghosts, etc), the amount of protection afforded is proportionate to the amount you allow yourself.

    My guilty pleasure of life is being exposed to as many lessons of humanity as I can handle, and this means the negative ones as well. Basically, I experienced a trauma so severe that I would make it my life's mission to learn as much about happiness and sadness as I possibly could, to ensure that no one around me would ever have to feel as low as I did ever again.

    In this process, I've encountered negative entities (ala the tearing up) and have come out on top every time. My faith in myself to provide happiness to those around me steels my soul, and their attempts to enter my life fail. In doing so, I have convinced my mind that my willpower is infinite (when dealing with this specific aspect) which further strengthens the bond I have to my soul to repel negativity in all aspects.

    I'm not saying I'm some sort of Saint, there are lessons to this day I still refuse to learn despite all if the times I've had the chance to learn them.

    But believe me when I say that I wholeheartedly love each and every one of you as much as the other. Some have spread negativity, which is disappointing sure, but at the end of the day I still recognize you as human beings dealing with a whole separate can of worms that I haven't even begun to crack yet.

    Go with love my brothers.
    You can love loving someone, and you can hate loving someone, and in some contexts you can love hating someone, but you can't hate hating someone for it is then born again towards love, or:

  14. GrayishPoppy210

    GrayishPoppy210 Legendary
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    Can I change my vote. I think I'll nominate this for post of the year.
    qrrby likes this.

    Senior Member

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    Btw I recommend the website of Big Think. Your daily dose of things to talk about, or think about, or argue about.

    They also have more than 10.000 videos on their youtube channel.
    qrrby and GrayishPoppy210 like this.
  16. Unfound

    Unfound Art Team
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    waywo is weird
    Sethiroth, Yekkou, Spranklz and 15 others like this.
  17. CertifiedChamp

    CertifiedChamp Legendary
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    Wonder why
    purely fat likes this.
  18. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
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    We're Always Yelling Weird Opinions
  19. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
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    Now guys, let us speak of the truth that is...

    girls without fathers end up being ****ed up.
  20. MythicFritz

    MythicFritz Halo 3 Era
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    So I believe in a 6 day creation (7th day He rested).

    Looking at both context and the original intentions of the word "day" in Genesis, it is a 24 hr single day. I look at it this way, what came first the chicken or the egg? When God created Adam, did He start with an egg, grow it through the development cycle, and raise Adam through childhood? No, He created Adam with an appearance of history. Though Adam was moments old, he started as a fully matured adult. I believe He created the world around us with the appearance of an age that might not reflect it's actual years.

    Women are not the same as men, genetically they are better at some things than men. And men are better than women at others (speaking broad general terms there are always exceptions).

    Ephesians 5:22-33 is talking about a man and woman's relationship in the context of marriage, nothing to do with everyday relationships outside of it. And within that marriage (31 "the two shall become one flesh") they are a team that works together, complimenting each other. The team can't work if one of them is continually pulling the other. When verse 23 says "the husband is the head of the wife" it does not mean ruler. It does not mean leader in today's terms. It's talking about responsibility. The family's well being, the direction they are going, their growth and who they are becoming rests on the man's shoulders and he will be held accountable for it. The decisions that go into leading are to be made as a team. But if the husband is truly following Christ's example and following Biblical teaching 29 "For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it", then why would the wife not want to follow that kind of leadership?

    Biblical submission (22 "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.") is not brainless. It is not today's submission where one is dominating over the other. It is the wife honoring and affirming the husband's leadership. She is using her unique differences from her husband to help him be the best leader that he can.

    I am blessed to have an incredible wife who lives out this Biblical model of marriage and it is amazing! Everything she says and does encourages me to be an even better husband. It creates in me a desire to lead, to bring the two of us to a better place in all areas of our life.

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