This map was brought to you by the creators of Bottom Feeders, crouchaldhinio, kangaroo killa (me), and pizza truck. Background: Space Colony was built on Cloud Nine in hyper space. It was originally a little town built for docking and refueling large ships before its citizens started a civil war. Weapons: 1 Shotgun, 2 Maulers, 2 plasma rifles, 2 Snipers, 1 Overshield, 1 Regenerator, 1 Power Drainer, 1 flare, 4 BR's, 3 Carabines. DL HERE: Bottom Feeders V2 was the inspiration for this map. I'm not trying to advertise, just give credit where it is due. If you want to download it im sure its not too far back in the forums but I don't think I can put it here, because they would call it advertising. Screens: Overview 1 Overview 2 Base Base 2 fight Side Area I dare you to put a shotty spawn in there He ends up getting me back with those explosives Told ya. other side area
I had a good time making it with you. Thanks for commending me as a helper of making the map. I think it turned out really good for play and really smooth.
This is cool. Though I've never seen something like this done on Blackout yet. Keep up the good work.
It was actually based off an orignal map by crouchaldhinio. it wasnt interlocked though and it wasnt required for you to stay on the bottom floor.
Thank you for making this. I've found a reason why I can still like blackout. Your map is beautiful, great job.
Looks alright. Can you get up onto the original part of blackout? Cause Blackout with an added floor would be epic!
Bottom feeders was like that but not so good or interlocked. this is really fun for like 2v2 or 4v4 slayer or ctf.
nice it looks pretty interesting. to bad us forgers dont have more to work with tho. we could hake a lot beter things if we did. and making stuff like this when we hve nothing just proves it.
I like it, but it seems a bit barren. Is there a noticable lack of cover or does the gameplay work around that?
It actually works perfectly in gameplay.the three boxes that lead to the sideplaces really provide a good ammount of cover. test it and let me know what you think.