I am proposing a petition to change Ivory Snakes name to Ivory Snack Why? you ask, well let me tell you the epic tale of Ivory Snack. Dragon Coals and I joined a persons game who's name will be withheld from this post. I will be addressing him as BM when we joined the game BM randomly started ranting about Forge Hub members I noticed mentioned my old gamer tag which I thought was fairly funny. Then BM uttered the funniest miss-pronunciation I have ever heard he said, Ivory Snack Dragon Coals and I proceeded to lol all over the poor pre-teen. He later described how he once had Recon and that is why he was banned from the Bungie Forums but thats another story. So in conclusion I would like everyone to sign this petition the change Ivory Snakes FH user name to Ivory Snack. (PS 1000th!)
Um can you change your username once you have it? Or are you saying make a new account? I'm honestly curious, b/c I want to change mine to somthing else possibly.
I think the mods can change it, but they probably don't on requests. Unless I'm blissfully unaware about some policy.
as have I and i believe this is a petition to change my GT to Ivory Snack, well i shall go as far as i can without informing mods or spending money, and that is mah custom title.
LOOOOOOOOL, never took the time to read this, even though it is so short, but great tale, stupid nubs, anyways, if you are looking for a 1000 post petition, you should have put this in off-topic =]
yes, i believe it is... Pricing: single bar - 2$ 6-pack - 10$ 12 pack - 15$ whole sale 50 pack - 50$ Ivory snacks may cause cancer, and a rare strain of super cancer, please consult your doctor, physician, podiatrist and psychologist. effects may vary.
sounds like a plan, do you want choc flavour? or do you prefer vanilla? hmm... all this is making me think about setting up a second live account named Ivory Snack...