The plumber has one mission get to the top of the tower and snipe off the zombie holding the princess in his cage. This is a sweet Donkey Kong map I made with the help of Whited3vil911 (The Official Y35). Basically you run up the ramps while soccer balls circulate at high velocity killing you if you get hit twice like the barrels in Donkey Kong. The game mode gives you 2x oversheild which only last two hits by balls. The higher you get up the faster fusion coils respawn and less time you get. The game mode is an 8 round zombie mode where there is one zombie at the top hitting the balls with a brute shot that does no damge(not yet shown in pics due to remake) and the plumer (bottom guys) start with snipers and win by sniping the zombie in his cage at the top. Its a coo map so check it out. Get Gamemode Link to map Overview Grav lift sending balls back up/starting point/teleporter so cheaters get sent out to die. Going up the ramp. The top. Zombie (Donkey Kong) cage This is a fun little map hope you enjoy.
I have a friend that made this floating off the edge on Standoff. It's better in my opinion, it doesn't look as neat, but its better.
Nice! I still play Donkey Kong on the virtual console and it will be great in HIGH-DEFINTION. Sorry, I just had to put that in captal letters. Is there any way one player can be donkey kong and push the ''barrels'' spwn the map?
I seen a youtube video that had a donkey kong map made, but it was only for show. Maybe a version 2 that there is a death barrier at the end if you get push down there and a player a be donkey kong pushing barrels down?
That is a better idea. That way they look like barrels. The map is pretty good, I played it and some fun with it. Although people can just go up the ball return and win, but that's why people hate cheaters! Good map.
Yeah i fixed that and now there is a zombie that is the dk and he hits the balls and everyone else trys to runn up and snipe him.
i dled and it was fun to play on but the only problem was the zombie can jump out of his cage and pwn. Also most of my friends suck and accidentally killed themselves with the bute when it exploded in their face