playing halo 3 for the first time >_> that and ranking up for the first time. sorry but no gameplay moments from the beta
Mancannoning the burl as FRAK beta trip mine in to a Banshee and watching it explode in a flash of glory . I miss how strong the trip mine was in the Beta. And that it would stick to vehicles, so you could set traps and stuff. My friend stuck one to the bottom of a mongoose, and two guys got on it to run our flag to their base. Once they picked up enough speed... BLAM! It was awesome. And my first experience with the new Needler. I made a montage after the beta ended, too. Too bad it doesn't have the Banshee vs. trip mine thing in it.
that montage is pretty epic, as for the topic at hand, i unfortunately was not around for beta. sadface.
I called it dumb. No Lie. Obviously now I'm a huge fan but back then, I though I was going to buy a ps3 and I still play counter-strike 1.6 a LOT. But the dumb comment was mostly because I got hxcpwnd on high ground tslayer, back then I waqs trash at anything on a console past like, guitar hero.
Played a game of team slayer on snowbound, thought it sucked and never thought back on it. That is until I got into it more about christmas time.