Okay. So I had this thread idea. I want to know other people's map (not forged but future DLC) ideas. The posting format is: Code: Map Name: Brief Description: Full Description: Setting: 2 Special Forge Objects: Layout: Let me explain a bit... 1. The breif description is like what it says under the name (ie, Narrows: Without cooling systems such as these...) 2. The Full Description is a detailed description of the map. ( I will have an example next post.) 3. The setting is who it is built by/ where it is (ie, Standoff: UNSC Army, In Africa) 4. The 2 special Forge objects is any two REALISTIC objects that would be in forge mode (by realistic I mean that Bungie could easily program the object in (ie, Triple boxes, Double height walls, glass, etc.) 5. Layout (Optional.) This is just a picture if you scan one in or have photoshop. 6. No REMAKES.
This is an example, but also a real idea: Map Name: Downfall Brief Description: Without this waterfall, the crew of the UNSC's Spirit of Fire would have died from dehydration. Full Description: This is part of a campaign level (I forget what its called, but the one with the AA Wraith.) After the AA Wraith, you come to a water fall, this map has barrier's just before the waterfall and down in to the Forerunner Structure (Only in the first room.) This would Be a 4 v. 4 map, so pretty small. The Blue base is in the clearing in front of the Waterfall, and the red base is inside the first room of the forerunner structure. Vehicles on the map are 1 ghost, 1 gauss hog, and 2 mongeese per team. Past the waterfall, there is 1 banshee. To elimate the red bases' bottle neck, the entrance is wider. Above the map, there are Hornets and a pelican fighting the Covenant troop ship. Setting: Forerunner, I don't know what country. 2 Special Forge Objects: Breakable Glass, Door w/ switch, + Foundry List Layout: None
Actually, the three new maps are already talked about. And we know what the three new maps will be. http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=1348.0
Map Name: Harvest Brief Description: A medium-sized harvesting area with forerunner technology. Full Description: It's kinda based off of a Halo Custom Edition map called Downflow, and has assymetrical bases. Read ahead to see what they are like. Setting: Barren wasteland with Covenant assault ship and UNSC assault ship overhead. 2 Special Forge Objects: Those covenant thingies that you see in campaign that are like Covenant camping stools, but have a black circle on each side and brown outskins, AA Wraith Layout: There are assymetrical bases, one is a heavily armored hillside with an AA Wraith, Scorpion, and two warthogs and a hornet on the back lower area of the hill. The other is two craters. Crater 1 has an AA Wraith and a Warthog, Crater 2 has a Scorpion and another Warthog. In between the craters is a banshee. The middle area has a crashed phantom and crashed pelican.
Well, in the end, just don't close it plz. Oh yeah, the reason there is AA wraiths on Harvest is because there is a banshee between craters 1 and 2, and a Hornet at the back area of the hillside.
I know, but I just want to know some ideas. But Bungie is pretty good at giving people what they want. (Not full maps though)
Map Name: Shore Party Brief Description: After washing ashore on the remote island, the marines had no idea what awaited them... Full Description: Imagine a map shaped like a donut. Half is land, the other half water. This is HUGE like Death Island (Anything other than 8 v 8 is crazy). There is a fort on the land part, and a small island on the water part. The center "hole" would have a pretty massive gun that can only be fired from there, and maybe a secret behind the waterfall... Setting: Forerunner/Standoff's Background, 2 Special Forge Objects: Assault Boat, Pelican Layout: Might upload image later
Lemme try to see if I know what you're talking about. On the level The Covenant, after the AA tank, you drive uphill. Then, you arrive at a massive clearing filled with enemy vehicles. There is a waterfall on one side. On the other side of the waterfall is the base to proceed into the Forerunner Structure. That place is on The Ark and is Forerunner.
Yea. The Red's base is the first room of the building to lead into the Forerunner Structure. The doors to the next room don't open. Thank you for the Level's name.
Map Name: Junk Yard Brief Description: On some far-away planet, Master Chief comes upon what appears to be a grave yard for ships, vehicles and scarabs Full Description: Large size level, a bit smaller then sandtrap. The bases comprise of a broken down scarab with a pelican crashed into it. A huge rock formation with caves carved halfway into it. A medium sized outpost with two floors similar style to the valhalla bases, but different shape. Hilly, with sand, and a few trees that are dying. Setting: Like outside of Epitaph on the ground, with the huge building in the backround, and overlooking what looks like sandtrap 2 Special Forge Objects: Big Rock formations, and crashed pelicans, that are able to stick out of the ground in different positions like the doors in foundry Layout: Triangle with a heap of broken small vehicles (maybe a wraith) in the middle-roughly