lol I know. I can do like 70 words per minute now lol. Halo will never end up like RS for me (unless I start refusing to move out of the basement lol, jk, I don't even play xbox down there).
I was hooked on it because when I first started, my friend, in real life, who got me started... We had been having a competition to who could get to level 30 (Combat) first. We woud play alot, and train and train and train, it took us maybe 2 weeks, seeing as how we trained on stuff like Men and Women alot, we didn't know alot about the game. Eventually I got members and I started trying new things, I joined clans, I had fun, if it wasn't for clans, I would have quit around level 80, but I am now level 112. Since the new update, if anyone has heard, I basically quit, JaGeX (FAGEX) threw away the wilderness. By the way, its RuneScape 2 now, not RuneScape classic, this one has DECENT graphics...
I played during the last years of elementary and beginning of middle school, then I quit, after I was introduced to a controller.
I am same with dragoncoals. I quit last year, after figuring out how boring it is. It really is a vortex of swirling bad graphics and stupid people.
I never actually got past level 30 . I was walking around once, and this level 54 gave me his account. Then my friend gave me his 77 account. So I've gained around 50 levels and I am a level 77. Quit though...
I used to play it a bit. I got to Combat 80 something. After countless hours of mining and selling rune, I came to realize that the game was not fun.
My account was taken offline for inactivity. I gave it away to my ex-girlfriend many years back, back when the game was still Runescape and not Runescape + Loads of crap. I think she sold the account, actually. Sucks for you, because I had full rune armor and weaponry plus 1.something million gold. Of course, the rune armor probably isn't worth anything now.
I have 20 Full Rune sets and 2m Gold. About 75m worth of Gold in items... (I sound like a nerd saying that rofl) I still don't log in much, maybe a half hour a week to talk to friends and such...
I apologize for the double post. If anyone has an account they don't use anymore, feel feel to pm me the account name and password. ;D
I used to play but quit a while back. My combat level was 92 and I had about 20mil worth of stuff. I quit because I got bored and Jagex was starting to ruin it. I bought a green halloween mask for 18mil and full guthix, quit, never played again. I still go on to check up on things; I was right, they ruined it. Jagex ruined the economy, the green halloween mask dropped down to 14m (lol)
i was level 109, well i still am but i haven't played in over 3 years i gave my account to my friends little brother hes probably done stuff with it since then but i had a Santa hat and about 20 min in cash and another 20m in items when i gave it to him