This is my first forgehub map thread so please post to see if you like it! This map was for some reason inspired to me from the problem in Israel. The year is 2569, the city of Jerusalm is in terrible condition. The harbor, long since dried up has a single supply boat still there from that day in 2549. The checkpoint and gate are old and rusted yet somehow still work. The roofs of all the building have caved in and the UNSC used that scrap to make more war machines. The rest of the city was spared to the monument of Jersualm and its freedom fighters. This map is very good for slayer, 1 flag ctf, VIP, and 1 side assualt (which due to the fact that my 360 messes up, shows 2 plant points.srry) Any fixing of this problem would be aprreciated! DOWNLOAD HERE!!! Screenshots! (this is the harbor screenshot!) ( this is the town screenshot) (a deli for hungry sailors, and people who live there) (da tiny boat) (da big gate) Please post and download. ENJOY good luck forgin yall Sgt.peper (360 gamertag SantaClause638) : )
ur gunna wanna read on how to post ur maps first go here just read it and if u hav any questions just send me a msg, hope this helps and ull get allotless ppl complaining now onto the map... the map looks quite good, i like the layout and uv included allot of good stuff, it looks fun but u could hav added shield doors on their side for the wate affect, looking forward to ur maps in the futur
Oh, Yeah! Like this is gonna ****ing help anything...Don't post anything without a purpose, Iking. To Sgt. Pepper, you should embed your pics and add a more in-depth description if you would like people to DL and take you seriously. You can use photobucket, imageshack, etc. to do this. EDIT: I like the map idea, but it is too bare and interlocking could be added. More weapons and equipment, especially in the aesthetic areas (deli, boat, etc.) would force people to go to those areas, which would enhance gameplay. Just my opinion, however.
Learn manners. You have earned yourself no respect from me you are immature and need to grow up - how does "learn to post ***" help any one but your sad little internet gangster rep, go away forgehub needs a minus amount of people like you
Wow, you guys are nice. To learn how to post your maps go here, it will help a lot and get people like IKiNgJuMpMaN 23 and DriSCOLL away from you.
map looks pretty basic with little/no interlocking (not that it's necessary, but often allows cooler layouts). I think you need to clean the map up some, but don't scrap it. You may be on to something. Right now, 3/5.
Hey welcome to forgehub i guess so far your experience hasn't been that great, but here at forgehub the majority of us are nice helpful people that you will get to know over time. On to the map i suggest that you flip the bridges to make them more appealing to the eye, i also suggest that do some interlocking because the boat does not look as good when there are corners sticking out in places, i also think that you should add more to the 'town' part of your map seeing that it is very open and you could add roofs (even though you said they caved in it just makes it look better) to the houses or make a city hall type building. But yeh just clean your map up a bit, and dont forget to add those pictures for lazy people like me Happy forging for the future
Hey douche! Learn to post!!!! Lol jkjk, this map does look very downloadable, but many people will skip over the post like its hopscotch without embedded pictures Oh and hey sgt visily
What did Driscoll do? He put a pretty helpful post up and you act like he insulted him... But yeah people are going to come at you pretty hard if you don't imbed your pictures (My first map didn't have imbedded pictures and I got like 3-5 people telling me how I need to learn to read the rules or something.)
He edited his post after I posted this. He insulted sgt.pepper before he edited it. He said, "Did you even read how to post maps" Nice map. I like the concept, but I found some places where interlocking could make the map play smoother. Welcome to Forge Hub, most likely you like it here. Btw, hi Iverson!
dude wow that is way to harsh man tell him were to go maybe not just tell him he is a *** that is really inappropriate learn to nice man
He edited his post so he wouldn't look like a tool. But it's preserved in this thread that he said it. The map looks pretty generic; I don't think I would download, no offense.