If you haven't seen it, you have to. One of the most informative movies I have ever watched.
I dislike videos like these. Its very biased and one sided, I am very supicious how many of the points in the video are raised out of context, bended to fit the message or just plain made up. Worst of all, from what ive seen these videos make a big impression on kids too young or naive to form their own judgements or opinions (not unlike religion itself). That said, I agree it is very interesting. For me though, the accuracy of this video is not important. The concept of religion is ludicrous in my opinion, i do not care about any flaws in any of the holy books cause it is all fictional.
I was right on the line about religion, and when I saw this video it pushed far across the line. I don't believe in a god or in what religious books say. It may have been my upbringing of course, my father is Agnostic although he didn't tell me this until I had found my own course of religion, or lack thereof.
I saw this when it first came out. I like the 9/11 and federal reserve stuff, but the religion stuff is too far fetched. Theres not much the proves religion is true, but also not much that proves its wrong.
Wait wait wait Novak, you say the evidence that is present in this video that shows exactly how religion came about and how bullshit it truly is is more far fetched then: