Map Title: Overpass symmetrical map good for vehicle wars Download Map Description: 1/05/08 - Updated map, fixed some sloppy walls and king of the hill was not working properly but now its fixed Overpass is a symmetrical map with a long narrow bridge to get to the other side in the middle, or you could jump the fence underneath the bridge. Each side has a very small base where the flag spawns for each team. works with all game types (even the lame ones) this map works well with capture the flag and slayer is not bad on this map either (i would recommend team snipers) each side has: 2 mongooses, 1 warthog, and 1 ghost for vehicles 1 shotgun, 1 brute shot, needler, 2 smgs, and 2 battle rifles for weapons 2 bubble shields (high re spawn), 1 trip mine, 1 re generator, and 1 trip mine for equipment 2 stickies and 2 frags on top the bridge: 2 rockets (low ammo each) and 4 firebomb grenades under the bridge: 1 flamethrower and 2 stickies Attacking side overview Attacking side view from base Attacking side base view from bridge Defending side overview Defending side view from base Defending side base view from bridge The bridge any type of feedback is appreciated so please download and reply credit goes to me for the map design and weapon placement and SnarkySig1227 for the beautiful scenery and also some weapon placement
Re: overpass - symmetrical map on foundry supports vehicles Embedded Screenshots please This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too! -Donuts
Re: overpass - symmetrical map on foundry supports vehicles Looks good, remember not to double post you can edit your post before by clicking the modify button. -Donuts
Re: Overpass - symmetrical map on foundry supports vehicles yay for spell check to the guy below me, i had no control over the guy above me but i just said that because he spelled vehicle wrong did not mean to spam sorry
Re: Overpass - symmetrical map on foundry supports vehicles Map Looks interesting, I may have to try it out on a later date, Alost I would consider the 2 posts above spam. Because all you are doing is YAY for Spam. So next time please put a purpose behind your post.
Re: Overpass 1.5 - symmetrical map on foundry supports vehicles i update this map to a version 1.5 also does any1 know if i could move this map to the new competitive map forum disregard that^^^ i just read the sticky, sorry
As a moderator, I agree with what the others have said. Please use posts sparingly and for good purposes (especially if an edit can fix something). On your actual map: I really like the bridge. Using that with the vehicles looks like it could create some really fun CTF or Assault games, reminding one of Terminal (with the high roads). However, I dislike the rest of the map. It feels both cluttered and too open. I understand the need for space on a vehicle-based map, but there appears to be very little other than some crates crammed together in a section. The bases look good, but provide no cover. Were you going for that approach? A grenade tossed over the wall is lethal, and the guns can blaze straight through those fence walls. If that's what you're going for, it's cool, but I just wanted to make sure you realized that. Aesthetically, it's a gorgeous map. Well-done!
well i started to get low on budget after i made the bridge, i was gonna have another bridge under the main bridge and the fence boxes were gonna have a row of fence walls on them so the only way over to the other side would be the 2 level bridge and the bases are not meant for any1 to defend inside them, rather hide outside them behind the crates or dumpsters next to them and toss a grenade inside the base when someone tries to steal the flag thanks for the great feedback and ill work on unnecessary posts, sorry (by that i mean no more spam)
How much more budget do you need to add the other bridge? I could take a look at it and see if i can save you money somewhere. For example Fence Boxes are expensive, you can save money by going with something else that will still work as well (on top of the bridge for instance). Also, the really high wall is very nice, but unnecessary in some places. You could save money by removing objects that are too high to scale anyway. Great job and let me know if i can help!
the map budget is at zero and im out of walls as it is, im working on a new may anyway but if u could find a way to salvage some money let me know
Well, if there's any scenery that you feel looks messed up and feel like deleting it. ( Easy Cash.) There is no glitch known at the moment to get more money, so basically that is your ownly choice.
well, to get more cash you should delete those cones by the fence walls in the corners. There are like 5 on each so that is about $20 right there... I am sure there are more things to do for cash but it is a good map none the less!
This is a great idea for a map... I really like it. I was reading some of the criticism you got already, and I agree with some of it, but let me just say that it is already very good as it is. I agree that you might want something to stop some of the cross fire across the dividing line, but I actually like the open-space feel. I think most Foundry maps are too cramped. I'm somewhat of a long-range guy, so the open space style is sometimes called for. I assume you're still updating it so.... good luck.
Maybe I'm wrong but nothing signifiicant stands out about this map. Unless your design is based on a certain gametype that is supposed to be played with it. This map isen't a fun gainer, its a fun drainer. Good efforts though.