If anyone can do this for me I would love it and give you reputation. I would love a signature that is scene. Something punkish and has great design. Colors like black, gray, red, anything that fits the punk scene. And for text, I would like for it to have my name of course. Anybody can feel welcomed to make it, just private message me the siggy once you feel you are finished with it. I will give rep to anybody who attempts to make one for the time you took. Merci et la bonne chance!
Just a question, why do people have to make their own thread just for their own sig? There's 5+ people that have sig threads, and people still go around and have to make there own thread. It's annoying and all it does is crowd up the page.
You can have this if you want since sarge isn't wearing it Let me know if you want it and ill edit the text