I bet i can answer this...... No you cant it was just a title to drag you in ..... But seriously, Ive just finshed forging my new new map that isnt so terrible this time and its took quite along time to build but lets get to the question.... Is a spawn different for each gametype? Example CTF>place spawns>Assault>Place spawns>Map complete Basically, do the spawns conflict with each gametype. Answer now and i can get this map finshed tonight. If you'd like to help finsh my map(and become famous and have 10 billion girlfriends) could you please add maddflash to your friends list. YOUR HELP IS SRSLY APPREICAITED LOL SRS.
the item named "respawn point" is the same for every gametype, but "starting points" are different. So are the "spawn zones"
Ahh i think i get it.... But i seriously need help im good at building maps, there even decent if i make one from the top of my head, but making the gametypes has been a weakspot for me... I really would apreciate the help if someone does decide to help me :3
Respawn points are the same for all gametypes, but starting points and respawn areas aren't, thats how you set it up for different gametypes.