Hey guys well i got the map that you can go out of balckoout from HIH and i decided to make a floor.What i found was huge the top of the map is far away and yiou have a petty big floor.i was lazy so i stopped it where i stopped but u can still going.MAybe there could be soem pretty cool maps out here - MLGLR playahata Screens Viewpoint1 Viewpoint 2 You can get up here but die in 5 secs Same with here maybe soemone could like fix it so where we could survive =) The door represents the death barrrier Viewpoint from death barrier Also you can go under the boxes i just made the floor there cuz thats where the tellyporter was so the whole map is very big out there =) Map --- http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20029757 -MLGLR playahata
Hmm I just saw someone else's post with a link to the download to get out of the map. Pretty cool idea to make boarding action out there. Hopefully you will have enough resources.
That's right! Suck it Bungie! Lol, jk. Shows them for trying to restrict with those soft walls, though. I'm so glad someone already did this. Blackout was a lost cause for Forging up until this point because the default map is so small. --dc
Im already trying different things for this. It opens up alot of possibilities, especially with the height of this area. I was sensing a vertical themed version of boarding action. The area you can work in here is pretty huge. In volume it is probably bigger than Foundry. I think Mallet is doing something on here..
Yup and I was fiendishly hoping everyone else wouldn't find out about the area until it was finished. Lul
So wait a minute... Your thread's title is Blackout Canvas, and it is out of Blackout? I am not sure what you mean by this. Otherwise, nifty idea. If you (Or anyone) knows how to get into those office-like rooms on Blackout, I want to know. It kills me, for those would be perfect for Machinima purposes.
I was just about to do this, but you did it for me! Thanks! I shall re pay you with a bungie bump and a DL!
Tbh Mallet the chances of that were slim... I worked it out pretty quickly after dling legendary... But I thought it was old news even then. And nicely done playahata on making that... could be useful.
Sorry for bumping up an older thread, but I wanted to toss out an idea. I think Bungie meant for ppl to get out of blackout to build new structures and maps in forge. If you just look at the number of single and double boxes, walls, bridges and doors available, there are more than would be even possible to place within the playable default area and make anything even remotely useful. Add in all the movable objects and there is no suprise there are some good "outside blackout" maps. Bungie gave us the forge equipment to do it.
Not really because bungie gave us the same things on other maps like foundry ,ghost town.They just give all that to us for variety in map making.
damn, i wish i found this earlier, ive been making a whole interlocked map up there, just doing the foating technique of save, end game load game, wrong save end game load...its taken me ages, hopefully it will come out good, this would deff help/