Boxed In

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by joker10110, Jun 2, 2008.


Is this map fun?

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  2. 4

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  3. 3(ok)

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  4. 2

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  5. 1(bad)

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  1. joker10110

    joker10110 Ancient
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    Boxed In
    Created by Joker10110
    Supported Gametypes:
    slayer and team slayer
    Map Description
    BOXED IN IS A SQUARE MAP FOR 1V1-5V5 THIS MAP IS EXTREME INTENSE HAVING MANY POWER WEAPONS MAKING THIS Map this map extremely crazy It may not look like it is
    fun but if you have enough people it is a very fun map this map is a very Small map by the pictures you will see but the point is to stay in the boxed In area and not jump out and if you re spawn out side the map run to the middle kinda middle and you will see a teleporter and go through it and you will be Boxed In you can have
    more than 5v5 you can have more but it will be more crazy there are
    lots of power ups and guns and grenades and alot of it is merge into the ground and different stuff so please play before saying it sucks if you play the map right it is a fun map
    A view of the map Boxed In

    This is the teleporter if you get spawn out side the map and need to get in.

    This is the teleporter you will fall out of if you use the teleporter outside the map to get in.

    Use the fusion coils to your advantage[/i]

    fire always helps to kill someone

    ahhh missed me

    I almost made it but i was lasered

    Intense Battle

    The beast has been unleashed

    please enjoy Boxed IN please do not comment on the looks only comment on gameplay after you have played the map
    Download Boxed In
  2. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks ok but instead of making a teleport to get in, why not just make all the spawns inside?
  3. fedraltag

    fedraltag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not really that inetresting.
  4. joker10110

    joker10110 Ancient
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    i do have spawns inside but for some reasone i have to fix them they are not working but is might look like a small mapo by the pictures but it is a big and fun map ones you play it if you want to download please do
  5. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    hmm i wont dl as it means i have to delete some content and im not on halo atm but next time you release a map if yur having trouble with spawns come on here and ask some one for help before you release it, its just the things that help
  6. tung44

    tung44 Ancient
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    Heh just got done playing a 2v2 match and was actually very fun. I thought it would not be very good but its decent I'll give it a 4/5
  7. locoidontknow

    locoidontknow Ancient
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    Looks ok, like theres alot of fast paced death with big explosions. Also looks like alot of beat downs ( wich is not alot of fun IMO ). Like the concept, but you really should have a map fixed before you post it. Spawn points are critical to have right, bad spawn points can make a good map horrible.
  8. Old PatchworkZombie

    Senior Member

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    I don't see how this map can be good if you spawn outside the map. It would kill the atmosphere. Why don't you only place spawners inside???
  9. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
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    He said the spawns werent working inside all the suggestion would be to delete the spawn points outside of your map...or put an open crate over it with the teleporter over the spawn point so you have no chance to run all over the outside of the map...
  10. halosavior

    halosavior Ancient
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    Looks awesome, but it has that Call of Duty 4 Shipment feel.
  11. Fireguy13

    Fireguy13 Ancient
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    ehh... more or less a ok map. i has a generic "you got put into an arena, fight with the other players" type of feel. Much to plain. you should make like a sniper tower tat you can only get to if you teleport, but theres a hole to get out. one sniper rfl is in there and the other is somwhere on the map. And make sure you cant see the spawn points from the sniper tower.
  12. ThPerfectDrug77

    ThPerfectDrug77 Ancient
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    map looks meh.. pretty much what fireguy said. its been done before. and does anyone else notice an alarming decrease in punctuation for some of these map posts?
  13. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Your right its a giant run-on sentence with no ending to each part of the sentence so that you cannot catch your breath and you choke and die. Yeah, you may need some punctuation in your map description.

    To fix your spawning problems, go into Forge mode with this map, and switch the gametypes by pressing start and change it. Then look in areas in which people spawn out of the map, and you should see Starting Points, in which people are guraranteed to spawn in the beginning of the match. Sometimes, people respawn at these Starting points because there is no place on the actual map safe enough to spawn at without becoming a victim of spawn camping. I suggest using respawn areas in your map, just switch the gametype in Forge mode to slayer, and then go thru your available items to spawn, and you should come across Starting Points and Respawn Areas along with Respawn Points.

    The map itself reminds me of a map my friend made. The players spawned outside of an arena, which you must get inside of via Mancannon. There was no killing until everyone was inside the Arena. Then the fighting could start. Then, you respawned in a Fence Box, with some weapons, and a Teleporter that lead back into the Arena, which made you face the wall. IT SUCKED BECAUSE OF ALL THE HONOR RULES, such as no killing until everyone was inside the arena, get back into the arena when you were blown outside, no camping in the Fence Boxes, no Telecamping, etc. But your map doesn't have as many Honor Rules as my friend's map did.
    #13 Wraith, Jun 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  14. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Honestly, I'm not sure why people make maps with so many honor rules like this. Just make the map so that you cannot get outside it in the first place, and you're far better off. You simply need a minimum of 16 spawnpoints inside the map, delete any outside, and make taller walls. Also, the map looks quite sloppy, and seems to have far too many power weapons. If you possibly gave us an idea of what weapons were on the map, I might DL, but as for now, no thanks.
  15. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
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    I would of have said about the weapons inside the map people are more intrested in this map so you could of got more downloads- agreed with you above fully.
    #15 Supreme321, Jun 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008

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