The Tunnel Created by Tung44 and Slixster789 Supported Gametypes: Infection gametype:Tunnelers (3-10 players) Map Description The Tunnels is a very interesting map. For an infection match it is very tactical and if your team is not tactical you will all die in about 30 seconds. It features a lower shaft and an upper shaft which maybe blocked off if you shoot at the trap above the hole (picture below). I have to give credit to Cosmic Rick in his map Temple of Doom V2 for the trap idea. The two shafts in the middle are neat because the lower shaft and easiest to get to by zombies holds a flamethrower which if used correctly will allow you to hold out for a very long time. The upper shaft holds the shotgun which is still not always safe to go for at first because you can be killed very easily. If the middle shaft was blocked off or you just want to go ahead and rush up you (would be a zombie if you would rush) would use the side stairs which would bring you there in about 5 seconds. As a defender I would use the turrets until the dumpster trap pops up then throw the fire bomb grenade at the grav lift and hop in the hole so you can use the flamethrower and not have to worry about being attacked from behind. This is probably the way to hold out the longest but once your out of flames for your flamethrower your probably dead but by that time you will probably the last man standing so who cares. If you would like to see some strategic gameplay on the map click here to download a film clip from bungie to your xbox 360.(Note: A few things haver changed. 1. The box leading to middle shaft is sunk as to remove bump. 2. The flare was replaced with a regenerator because flare was not very helpful. 3. The backwall made with double walls is fixed to be much smoother and so is the roof/floor near the back wall. 4. The firebomb has a weapon holder (only updated thing in pics). NONE OF THESE CHANGES ARE IN THE VIDEO OR IN THE PICTURES. Pictures below. _________________________________________________ The dumpster trap and good looking view of human area When the dumpster trap is used The fire bomb that let us get in there and close the door with a dumpster Upper shaft and shotgun area Awesome sword fight Look at the Zombie going through the bottom shaft... scary Shotty spawn Everybody at the beginning This is what I mean when I said to use the flamethrower (flamethrower spawns where we are and this is the lower shaft.) _________________________________________________ Hope you like the map... Please play it before making a comment I really don't want people saying it stinks/rocks when they haven't played it yet. Download The Tunnel Download Tunnelers
For a map called ''the tunnel,'' you really didn't show much of the tunnel aspect of the map. But, other than that, it looks fun.
Your kinda right but it wasa hard to get any good pictures of the actual tunnel so I just did what i could. It is really a big part of the map when you play it.
Looks fun, but also looks too small for infection. ( Maybe the pics dont do it justice ). I will dl and give it a go.
Dumpster trap hasen't failed yet thats why i like it ssssooooo much! And locoidontknow its awwfully small but it makes it funner because its about twice as hard to kill the zombie and makes everyone work together like a team or you'll die quickly Also this is only fun with people who know what they're doing otherwise the round is completly pointless and you will be killed Another thing is the dumpster doesn't spawn till 10 seconds in because it falls before the grav lift pops it up at start
That trap looks pretty cool...great idea!! Wish I could play it...keep up the good the fact you can see into the shaft...keep up the good work!!
yah it is a bit but me and slixster789 just made it so it was playable and it wasn't cheap. looks were 2nd