i think it is pretty safe to say that "Next Game" is wtf is up with this place and i predict it will be a single game, not a trilogy (but i hope i am wrong)
You my friend, are a liar, because I have seen my friend do that twice, same thing happed; norm alt. ending
Actually, it is currently unconfirmed what that planet is. The possibility that it is Onyx is just speculation, although it is probable that it is a shield world.
BS. There wouldnt be. If there was you think that it wouldve already gotten heaps of attenetion already
I srsly doubt that. I have a highly calibrated bs detector, and it's going off the chart right now. Hardest part of SLASO: Iron, Black Eye AND Blind skulls. It makes it terrible, even on Easy. You dunno how much shield you have, what weapon, how much ammo, if you are reloading, or what.
here's a hint - use a post it note and cut out a small dot to stick to your TV screen where the reticule would normally be seen if you have a tube TV you can draw a reticule with a sharpie, it will erase with Rubbing alcohol - use the sniper reticule as a guide - do not do this on a flat screen tv as they usually have special coatings
I said mech planet? (?_?) its not onxy but you get to the mech planet by means of onxy. and i think when people are saying the legendary skulls activated... you know that you "activate" the little icon when you beat it on legendary right?
Does anyone else notice a correlation between this rumour and the rumour about Sonic and Tails being in Super Smash Bros Melee? They're both designed to make people waste hours and hours trying to accomplish a ridiculously difficult task, and upon its completion, they are left feeling both jilted that the rumour was untrue and depressed that they wasted all that time.
And thats why this thread is here. To verify that; If you do all this, is it a waste of time? Answer : Yes. it is a waste of time. NO, there is no secret ending. only the normal one where chief is floating if you beat any difficulty. then the "unknown Big glowing Mechanical looking ball, simply calle and made reference to by all those on the net as "The mech Planet" until further discovery" " in the back ground if you beat ALL phases of ALL levels (no skulls needed) on legendary. To further my point, A video: Halo 3 Ending + Legendary Ending Planet Onyx - HD Quality