Note: im not 100% sure this is how its done, just thought of it now. Will test it later The Map For those who don't know what "pallet parade" is, its a map that when someone takes the overshild a conveair belt of pallets start moving along My thought on how it works There is a bridge with pallets on all the way then there is an overshild with a fusion coil balenced on top, once the overshild is taken the fusion coil drops destroying the final pallet. The pallets are set for instant respawn so that when the pallet is destroys it respawns at the start, of course the pallets try to interlock but they are not immovable objects so all the pallets are pushed along. Now this process is repeated again and again fairly fast so the pallet belt is moving. Last minute notes - I think this is how it works, if not please comment or PM me on how it does work
That is mostly how it works. I think Pallet Parade has one of the best forge switches I've seen in a map. I've seen many switches in tests people have done but very few people successfully put them in to their maps. The pallets are moved by the gravlifts under the floor, in a inaccessible part of the map, not by them trying to interlock. The pallets are pushed along until one falls off the edge, at that point the last pallet is too far away from the gravlifts for them to have an effect. The power up is taken away allowing the fusion coil to drop, destroying the first pallet which then respawns over the gravlifts. As the gravlifts push the first pallet (which is now the last pallet) it in turn pushes he pallets in front.
You pretty much summed it up, the grav lift is only the the start I think tho... so it only pushes the 1st pallet in the line, once it reaches the end, a fusion coil drops and blows it up...
Its not that technical, its just manipulation of object spawning. The answer has been given, and the discussion is over. Closed.