Thanks for the sig and the opportunity Al im looking forward to joining. I want to show my true talent.
Ok I got Astronum's sig done here are the 2 results I got I did waht I could, again tried something different, I am trying to find a style that I like. Anyway you are probaly going to want a text color change, but if you want anything else changed please address it, thank you!
I just wanted to say, that you shouldn't be upset if I don't use your sig... I don't want to be a douche (for lack of a better term), but if I find one I like better, or if I stop using it, don't get too upset. I just wanted to say this, cause I know some people get ticked when they spend time doing something, then it goes to waste. You don't need to make a sig for me, if you feel like one of those people. Just to let you know, ;]
I could care less it is just that it is hard to make a sig if people dont give the specifics, a good stock/rendered image from the image sites provided evn though I dont mind them coming up with their own, and for me I need a specific type of animation how they want it done.
Mxd about the AST siggy not being a douche but leave the halo siggy to Al, take the "fire" off. Make a better background with some brushes and stuff with a pale color or make many duplicates of render put it on different places till cover all backgreound and blur it, you will get a nice background...
That is what id di with the new sig that i am making him, he said he wanted the gunfire, but in the new sig I an not putting that but a good special effect, yeah I havent done a sig that good lately and I dont know what the problem is, but I am looking forward to tom. I the sig is going to be cool!
well its nto what i had expected i had wanted it a lot darker but i still think it is great, but thats not me i will be very harsh an say how bad it is, let me find a bad spot... errm... hmmm...
Yo astro how is this? I tried to do something with the picture and there is no solid bacground, I personally dont like the text it is hard to see the O even with other colors, if you need anything changed ask me. EDIT: sorry I forgot the sig lol, well here it is, can't forget the beef of this post!
Well the spartan had a flamethrower so I decided to make it look as if it was spitting fire across the screen.