Personally, I am ready for all of the new updates. -1v1 -ShWATguns -Oddball x3 & more. What do you think about the updates?
i recently decided i liked 1v1 after i destroyed some guy 1v1 on construct. and maybe i havent been reading enough but what are schwatguns?
The 1v1 is so epic that it can't even be explained.I can now own noobs without inviting them , trash talking them ,telling them what a battle rifle is......
i myself am looking forward to the 1v1 and the forged maps they have for it(not that i'm expecting the maps to be spectacular). i also look forward to seeing shwatguns to see if its any good(probably not though)
I'm not a big fan of 1v1 myself, but everything else I'm happy about! SWATguns will be epic, as will objective gametypes in SWAT (ahh, the good old days of Halo 2) And although it isn't much, I'm glad BR starts are being reduced slightly on specific maps.
I think 1v1 is ranked so.. there will only be 2 ways to boost it. But other than that I think 3x Oddball is a weekend double exp hopper though.