Wanted to say hello to all on this site. I am hoping that it becomes a regular stop on my wonderful daily trip to the internet. It is nice to meet you all.
Well there you go, another member wanting to make this place his home away from home =] Make sure you read the stickies before posting maps, that's the only advice needed to be a FH member =] See you around the FH forums =D
Hey, Welcome To ForgeHub. Make sure you check out the Announcements, Customer Service and the Forged Map areas. If you do, you will have no problem going through the site. Enjoy!
Howdy, it great to have you but as Reybnow said, follow the guidelines to posting maps and you'll gain my respect. I also have made forgehub my home, its the first website I open and the last site I close. I never did an introduction, would it be too late now?
Well I have posted one map so far, and I am thinking I followed the correct guideline. At least I hope so. XD